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Audio developments, latest Reviews, announcements & more ...

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Check our Specials Page ...

Check our Specials Page ...

For some great Special Offer Deals :

Room Treatments

Room Treatments

Following on from the Room Modes article, A-A report on Active v Passive treatments.

Flat response Speakers i.e. “a straight line may seem ideal: it is not. Anyone who has tried this before, knows that it sounds completely soulless and boring” :

Sound ... Matters

Sound ... Matters

Steven Wilson, a leading Producer/Promoter of Spatial Audio - founder, guitarist, lead vocalist and songwriter of the rock band Porcupine Tree :

“Honestly, I can barely hear the difference between a CD and my 24/96. Maybe my ears are going a bit in my old age (he’s 57)”.

If someone with Wilson’s trained ear struggles to hear these differences, what does that mean for the average listener ?

Room Acoustics - Alpha-Audio

Room Acoustics - Alpha-Audio

"You can measure the length, width & height of the room to determine at what frequencies problems may arise.

The formula is quite simple: room mode (f) = n x v /2 x L.

L is the length of the room, v is the speed of sound and n is the ‘order’. For a 5-meter room, it then comes to:

f1 = 1 x 343 / 2 x 5 = 34.3 Hz. The second harmonic is then: f2 = 2 x 343 / 2 x 5 = 68.6.

Doctor's Report - M2Tech Classic

Doctor's Report - M2Tech Classic

Andy Baker takes the Classic Integrated Amp for a spin. Matching AMP to Speakers, is of course 'critical'. Although Marco is quite proud of the Classic's Phono Stage ... it did not quite match Andy's in-house reference Wand EQ Phonostage with Wand EV Power.

But then that will set you back ... $3000.

M2Tech Nash Rev.b

M2Tech Nash Rev.b

Christiaan Punter (HiFi Advice), installs Nash in his Main System 14 upgrade.

Investment Corporate Audio

Investment Corporate Audio

Are Corporate Investment companies … good for the Audio & Hi-Fi Industry ?

It's been happening for a number of years - involving many Brand acquisitions. As an investment for shareholders though ... not a wise move in some cases. In the video below, cheapaudioman reports :

Spyware No. 2

Spyware No. 2

Some years back, there was talk of ‘Smart’ devices being capable of 2 way comms e.g. could be used as spyware. Lesser mortals such as ourselves, probably have nothing to fear. The Audio sector is no different.

I used Audacity (replacing EAC), to rip CD’s to music files many years ago (always updating). It was free after all ! Thanks to Alpha-Audio 3 years ago however, they advised to “get rid of it” :

I did … and back to EAC. Again for most people, probably not an issue – but it does leave you wondering :

'Round 2' : Manunta EVO 3 & M2Tech Nash Phono Stages

'Round 2' : Manunta EVO 3 & M2Tech Nash Phono Stages

HiFi Advice conclude their evaluation of Marco Manta's Phono Stages :

"It will probably come as no surprise, that I wholeheartedly recommend both Phono Stages. Not only that, but I also decided to keep them both as my personal favorites and to serve as References in their respective price categories".

Digital Connections - what's Best ?

Digital Connections - what's Best ?

Alpha-Audio provide an informative guide to the various Cable options available :

When the Time Comes...

When the Time Comes...

Attribute : TNT Audio

Manufacturer's Flexing their Muscles No.2 !

Manufacturer's Flexing their Muscles No.2 !

It's a sad state of affairs yet again. This time a prominent Brand flex theirs. & GoldenSound report :

"dCS has threatened to sue for damages over my review of the dCS Bartok" :

Alpha-Audio DAC Multitest

Alpha-Audio DAC Multitest

Dac Comparisons Livestream :

It's unfortunate that the units were not run-in. Transient Modules do require some. DAC3 is clearly an excellent upgrade for DACTWO.

'Different strokes - for different folks' :

• Metrum Acoustics Amethyst DAC3
• NuPrime DAC-9X

In the video, Jaap explains why Pasithea remains their Reference Converter - only tempted by another, many times the price ... and they have no intention to replace it.

HiFi-Advice - New Additions : Main System

HiFi-Advice - New Additions : Main System

Manunta Audio's EVO Phono 3.1 now partners the Thorens TD1601 with TP160 tonearm, in Christiaan Punter's impressive lineup of gear.

Audio-2G 'Classic' Report

Audio-2G 'Classic' Report

Video introduction to M2Tech's new Integrated Amplifier :

Turn on subtitle translation if you don't speak Italian.

Remusic Italy : Re-discovering Sonnet Morpheus

Remusic Italy : Re-discovering Sonnet Morpheus

Features and facilities :

Italian 'Classic'

Italian 'Classic'

Some background to M2Tech's New Integrated Amplifier :

M2Tech Nash + Manunta EVO Phono 3

M2Tech Nash + Manunta EVO Phono 3

An elaborate sophisticated System in play at HFA.

Do the diminutive Phono Stages Nash and EVO stack-up (even though you can hardly spot them in Pic) ?

M2Tech @ Munich High-End 2024

M2Tech @ Munich High-End 2024

Marco displays the New Classic Amp - which has just arrived here.

High End Munich 2024 : Alpha-Audio

High End Munich 2024 : Alpha-Audio

Jaap & Yung discuss their 1st day at Munich.

It’s very much about the High-End or VHP … meaning Very High Pricing. It seems Euro 500K - for some ... Vivid Speakers is not out of line. But … “it all gets more expensive but not a lot better”. For them, when opening a product promo release for a €100K Amp for example – they don’t even open it.

They like (& enjoy), to Review products in the 'real world' for most enthusiasts - c.€3-5K

Their comments here :

Sonnet Digital Morpheus Graphic

Sonnet Digital Morpheus Graphic

HiRes Infographic - courtesy of a Metrum customer - setting up a new online magazine soon :

Download diagram :

When words are NOT necessary !

When words are NOT necessary !

Shortest Headphone Review on record ...

'Top Shelf' ... System Synergy

'Top Shelf' ... System Synergy

Axpona 2024

‘Blue Note Award’ from Enjoythemusic – Best Room at the Show.

Hidden away behind exotic components ... Final Touch Audio's Sinope USB Cable is in play. Also in use Masterbuilt Audio Ultra USB (US$12,000).

Speaker Cable Megatest

Speaker Cable Megatest

Sonnet Pasithea in A-A's Reference System - playing direct to Amplification - to avoid SQ veiling - of Source signal Information - from a Preamp :

When is an external D/A Converter a good option ?

When is an external D/A Converter a good option ?

Not everyone is clued up on Digital Tech. Often overlooked are enthusiasts just starting out. Digital development has evolved over the last 10 years and can/has become quite daunting for many. Simple is often best.

As always, 'Bang-for-Buck' is important.

Alpha-Audio briefly covers the basics for those interested :

Our Journey and Battling the Grey Market

Our Journey and Battling the Grey Market

It should be well known by now, when searching the net for Audio products, that when you see something popular advertised at a cheap price – something is up. Clones and fake copies abound - particularly from well-known websites - who sell everything.

Locally our own online Auction site, occasionally falls foul of this - from a few unscrupulous sellers. Importing fakes is one thing (and should be stopped at the Border) but on-selling under the pretense it’s genuine - is another. It happens ... so ‘Buyer Beware’.

Here, Vinshine Audio comment on the problem :

Final Touch Audio

Final Touch Audio

On the horizon, Zoran has been working on a new AES/EBU Digital Cable. More soon.

Classic Vinyl

Classic Vinyl

The Classic Integrated Amplifier's Phono Stage, is not the usual "one opamp does all" circuit. It uses discrete component topology - designed to deliver great dynamic performance with a very natural sound.

The critical EQ network components are high quality & low tolerance …. to ensure the Amp rigidly conforms to the standard RIAA curve … within +/-0.15dB. In the unlikely event a stand-alone Phono Stage is required – should heavy upgrade investment loom – then the Phono input can be transformed into a Line input.

Mentioning Metrum

Mentioning Metrum

RENÉ VAN ES, listens to some Dutch Design DaSL M.One Monitor Speakers. Seems appropriate to partner with some Dutch electronics. Also in play and EAR/Yoshino 8L6 Tube Amp. Quietly in play … Metrum Acoustics Adagio & Forte Power Amp. Matching Amp to Speakers is important … which might be preferred ?

M2Tech 'Classic' Integrated Amplifier

M2Tech 'Classic' Integrated Amplifier

Inspired by Classic designs from the 80's & 90's - an era which saw some major developments in the Amplifier HiFi sector (albeit at substantial cost) - Marco Manunta injects some 21st Century know-how - to elevate both sound quality & performance.

Manufacturer's Flexing their muscles

Manufacturer's Flexing their muscles

Scientific Audiophile take a look a Manufacturer - expressing dissatisfaction with Reviews. To 'balance the books' - some well known Reviewers are also taken to task ... when the occasion demands.

"All in the Best possible taste" :

Alpha-Audio Cable Report

Alpha-Audio Cable Report

"Now, we’ve reviewed quite a few cables – both ‘normal’ and also blind, alone and in teams – and time after time we’ve been amazed at the differences they can make. It can lift a system from good to great. Or from tasty to blissful. Any enthusiast will recognize and acknowledge that.

We sat down with Cees Ruijtenberg to figure out how to create a flexible and solid measurement setup. He designed a very handy little box, specifically for this test where it is possible to go from single ended inputs and outputs to balanced or banana. In other words, we can now convert from anything to anything. Extremely handy. And necessary in both this test and later the test of speaker cables.

Tidal $$$ Waves

Tidal $$$ Waves

"It's good News Week" ... for Streaming enthusiasts.

Audio Art 'Classic' Cables 2024

Audio Art 'Classic' Cables 2024

AAC IC-3 Interconnects
AAC IC-5 Speaker Cables

Final Touch Audio : Home Trial

Final Touch Audio : Home Trial

The Art of Cable matching can be hit ... or miss. We can now offer home trial for 3 of FTA's Award winning Cables. Try before ... you buy.

Metis LAN, Callisto & top of the Range Sinope USB Cables ... available - to test your System.



Alpha-Audio explain what's involved with Preamps - their job, functionality and choices to consider :

Incoming ... Integrated Amplifier

Incoming ... Integrated Amplifier

From M2Tech Italy:

The New "Classic".

Hot off the assembly line and shipment imminent.

Audio Club Meet NL - Metrum Acoustics

Audio Club Meet NL - Metrum Acoustics

On audition a mix of Acelec Engineering (Model One Speakers), Sonnet Pasithea NOS DAC/PRE, Metrum Forte Power Amp & Ambre Streamer. Of course, Model One's are not going to fill a big room with sound - they are designed for small to medium sized rooms.

The place to sit, if you find yourself in this situation, is equi-distant back from the Speakers' spacing ... and grab the middle position ! Looks like a good crowd :

Is it the ... 'Crime of the Century' ?

Is it the ... 'Crime of the Century' ?

DR (Dynamic Range) tells a story.

MFSL Ultradisc 24K Gold CD : Are they really worth it ?

How do older CD's stack up against more modern reissues ? Should you 'invest' in (extremely), expensive discs to - perhaps - gain better Sound Quality ?

In Pic, 3 Disc versions analysed - DR10, DR14 & DR17.

Perhaps an apt title track for the ... 'Recording Industry's' use of compression.

One opinion :

Vinyl Rock-Stars - Nash & Van der Graaf

Vinyl Rock-Stars - Nash & Van der Graaf

"My Reference is the PS Stellar Phone Stage and I would say comparing them, that they are different but neither is an outright winner. Given that the PS Phono stage has seen off all other contenders, bar some exotic Phonos, that is quite an achievement. And you get two Line Inputs, so the value is very high".

M2Tech 'Tosh' Preamp & 'Larson' Mono Amps Review

M2Tech 'Tosh' Preamp & 'Larson' Mono Amps Review

From Germany :

Under the mantle of Manunta Audio in Germany ... a complete and thorough assessment of this combined Amplifier configuration. Compared to some exotic References :

M2Tech 'Classic' Amplifier

M2Tech 'Classic' Amplifier

Incoming :

Discrete components, Custom design, double Primary-winding Toroidal Transformer.

Features, MM & MC inputs, 3 x Line Single-ended, 1 x Balanced - the Phono input can be reset to Line if required.

Outputs : Pre out, Headphones & Speakers.

Tested with - Magneplanar LRS, ATC 50, Wharfedale (various models), BBC LS3/5A, Audel Magika, Thiel...

Class A → 2B or not 2B ?

Class A → 2B or not 2B ?

Are all Class Amplifiers 'Truly' Class A ?

Some 'Classics' ... apparently not ... as Marco Manunta explains. A follow up to to Remusic's Review of Larson Mono Power Amps :

Plixir Filtering

Plixir Filtering

It’s not cheap but it pairs well with Sonnet Digital’s Pasithea NOS DAC-PRE. If your listening environment is compromised by electrical interference …

Alpha-Audio report :

M2Tech Larson Mono Power

M2Tech Larson Mono Power

PMC 20.23 + Thiel CS 2.7 + ATC SCM11 to the SCM50 + Wharfedale Linton & Wharfedale Heritage Dovedale 90th Anniversary tested … with excellent results :

“In general, moreover, the speed of the transients and the dynamics are top of the class, as is the depth and control obtained on the low frequencies, often a sore point of valve tubes”.

This Music Streamer Does EVERYTHING !

This Music Streamer Does EVERYTHING !

From GoldenSound & The Headphone Show :

The DMP A-6 & DAC Z-8 in play :

EverSolo DAC Z-8

EverSolo DAC Z-8

From Spain :

"For all these reasons, the Eversolo DAC-Z8 took our Award for Best DAC of 2023".

Digital Signal Transmission - I2S

Digital Signal Transmission - I2S

Metrum Acoustics explain their take on the most efficient connection between Streamer & DAC. Scroll down ... HOW TO :

Misleading Marketing ?

Misleading Marketing ?

This video highlights a growing problem. Should be of particular interest to Headphone enthusiasts, not just because of the title but covering misunderstood power requirements (measurements) and volume requirements/attenuation as well :

It touches on Balanced designs too – where many products are not in fact ‘true’ Balanced designs – misleading claims that have existed for some time. We can also add a number of DAC manufacturers, claiming their products are Non-Over-Sampling designs … when in fact they are not. Golden Sound has covered this as well.

A unique 'Pearl' of a Device

A unique 'Pearl' of a Device

M2Tech Joplin MK111 : ADC-Phono-Preamp

Joplin sold out last year but a new production run is now underway (due to demand) & available soon. Not only that, even though parts supply costs have risen sharply in the interim, we can offer New Year’s product at original pricing :

Sonnet Digital Audio 2024

Sonnet Digital Audio 2024

New Year's Special Offers ... for those interested in a Sonnet 'Stack'.

CD's still Rule in the UK

CD's still Rule in the UK

The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) published its provisional 2023 report today. Nearly 11 million CD’s were sold – eclipsing Vinyl by a ratio of 2 : 1.

How many types of CD are there ?

UHQCD, SHMCD, BSCD2, Crystal Disc … and more.

Which sounds best … is there a difference ?

P.S. There's even more not mentioned.

Buyers Beware - Hard to believe ?

Buyers Beware - Hard to believe ?

CD players WITHOUT gapless playback - A GROWING PROBLEM...

EverSolo DAC Z8

EverSolo DAC Z8

The BEST of Hifi & Home Theater 2023 ???????? Our BEST OF Show !

The Best of 2023 ! Sonnet Digital Audio's Kratos Mono Power Amplifier

The Best of 2023 ! Sonnet Digital Audio's Kratos Mono Power Amplifier

From Alpha Audio : Geoffrey's Top 5 list :

Time for a confession. Your author was not supposed to make any purchases in 2023 but unfortunately that did not work out. We don't mind that very much because the Sonnet Kratos Power Amplifiers sound excellent, especially in combination with the Sonnet Morpheus.

The definition in the low range and the above-average imaging are particularly exceptional. In addition, there is the synergy with the DAC, which, when connected directly, allows even more of its class to pass through. On our Revels we have a particularly balanced sound that is ideal for testing.

Choosing a CD Transport

Choosing a CD Transport

Alpha-Audio conduct a live-test of several Transports. As you will hear ... CD's are very popular in their domain. Sonnet Pasithea shines a light on the contenders. The Pass Labs Preamp is not needed - preference for direct signal output to Amplifier ... has gained even more in popularity :

AVP Spain : Best DAC 2023 Award

AVP Spain : Best DAC 2023 Award

EverSolo DAC Z-8 :

"You may be surprised by this Award because the analysis has not yet been published but it will be out very soon. We can tell you that we have been testing it for several weeks and the Award is more than deserved".

Volume Control Done Right ...

Volume Control Done Right ...

Metrum Acoustics explain :

High Quality Desk-Top Listening with ... DAC Z-8

High Quality Desk-Top Listening with ... DAC Z-8

Are you into Near-field listening or a Desk-top Headphone experience ?

Some things to consider below. Not mentioned, is the use of Active Speakers (maybe next episode ?). DAC Z-8 is also a Preamp ... to expand Speaker choice :

Sonnet Digital Kratos

Sonnet Digital Kratos

Alpha-Audio try out SDA Kratos Mono Bloc Amps with Morpheus :

Manunta Audio EVO DDC3

Manunta Audio EVO DDC3

Rare Beasts : Digital to Digital Converter

The DDC3 joins HiFi-Advice's ... 'Favourites'.

EverSolo DAC Z-8

EverSolo DAC Z-8

Witchdoctor NZ Report from Andrew Baker :

New Digital Findings

New Digital Findings

Hans B & Alpha-Audio ... get ... 'connected'.

"The BS about Network Switches and the like" ...

The Absolute Sound : Best DACs: US$1,000 – $3,000

The Absolute Sound : Best DACs: US$1,000 – $3,000

"It reproduces small and large-scale dynamic shifts with ease. Piano’s difficult tonal complexities often challenge the best music servers but they were just another day at the concert hall for the M2Tech. It easily belongs with components at or twice its price".

EverSolo DAC Z-8 : Poland

EverSolo DAC Z-8 : Poland

"Even if it were twice the price, I would still consider it a great deal !

Therefore, the DAC-Z8, costing just over PLN 3,000 - is currently a bargain in the category of Digital-to-Analog Converters" :,eversolo-dac-z8.html?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

Streamers & Power Supplies

Streamers & Power Supplies

Coming up ... Alpha-Audio ... 'Live-Stream' Test of Euro 1K Streamers. Power supplies make a big difference.

"The top two noise floors are with stock power supplies. The bottom one is a 'decent' one. That's 20dB lower... And no : this is not the Eversolo or Primo we measured".

Testing underway ... an example :

"We wanted to show you the influence of a power supply on the analog output of a music Streamer. We show you real time measurements of the noise levels. No tricks"...!

Audio Art Cables - BNC Varieties

Audio Art Cables - BNC Varieties

Positive Feedback check-out Digital Cables :

Do they make a difference ?

EverSolo DAC Z-8 : Report from Hungary

EverSolo DAC Z-8 : Report from Hungary

"Recommended Purchase" :

EverSolo DAC Z-6 & DAC Z-8

EverSolo DAC Z-6 & DAC Z-8

Impressions from Czechoslavakia :

"What is almost shocking ... is the quality (EverSolo) was able to achieve with this new Brand concept" :



All 3 Cees Ruijtenberg 'Hats' ... under One Roof :

EverSolo DAC Z-8

EverSolo DAC Z-8

"The quality is exemplary, the look is the future and the DAC output is as good as it gets at this price point" :

'Crusty Creatures' : Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

'Crusty Creatures' : Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

Srajan Ebaen gives an update on his findings this year ... in the Digital Domain :

Acelec Model One Monitors

Acelec Model One Monitors

'Glowing' Review from Stereophile :

Highly Recommended !

Not perfect ... but ... DAC Z-8 seems to impress.

Not perfect ... but ... DAC Z-8 seems to impress.

Better than ... ?



From the new Range of EVO3 Products - comes Marco's latest DAC :

'Jack of all Trades' : Manunta Audio - EVO DAC 3 (Vs Denafrips Ares 2)

Manunta Audio Italy

Manunta Audio Italy

Marco introduces the next generation EVO Products : DAC3, DDC3, ClOCK3, PHONO3 & SUPPLY3.

Tube Lovers maybe ... interested ?

Tube Lovers maybe ... interested ?

"After switching to the Larson, which was wired absolutely identically, we were both surprised : I was relieved and delighted, my friend T was a little shocked".

How would M2Tech's Larson Mono-Blocs stand up to $59K Monos ?

HiFi Statement in Germany find out :

The Sounds ... of Silence

The Sounds ... of Silence

Underway at 6 Moons - Top of the Line - Networking.

Silent Angel Bonn NX Switch & Genesis GX Clock

Follow progress :

'KEY' Ingredients

'KEY' Ingredients

Silent Angel Munich M1 and Forester F1 :

"The Munich M1 will easily compete with your computer but it will need the Forester F1 LPS to bring things to equal with the Roon Nucleus Plus. Though it will surpass the Nucleus Plus as a duo - with regard to musicality, naturalness & ambiance. In short, the Silent Angel Munich M1/Forester F1 provides a great deal of music & technical/high fidelity skills for relatively little cost" :

'Classic' M2Tech

'Classic' M2Tech

Munich High-End 2023 :

Marco unveils the Classic Integrated Amplifier.

Cable Lifters

Cable Lifters

Paul McGowan has a short Video on the subject.

Plain Speaking :

Silent Angel Munich M1T Streamer - Bonn N8 Network Switch - Forester LPS

Silent Angel Munich M1T Streamer - Bonn N8 Network Switch - Forester LPS

"The Silent Angel stack laced together with Snowy White wires was positively a delight to hear & to operate. The happy stack (very nearly) competed with a significantly more expensive Streamer on hand & never failed to operate smoothly via whichever connection I preferred or to play music engagingly via whichever Streaming service I fancied at the moment".

Acelec Model One

Acelec Model One

Monitor Speakers suit small to medium sized rooms. Easy placement without dominating the room ... may please the household :

"Due to their sonic honesty, these Acelecs have already found favor and even a home with a number of Reviewers thus far and if you seek a smaller Speaker with a superbly linear frequency response - that will hardly betray any hint of the non-resonant box its drivers live in, while at the same time minimizing the deleterious effects your room is having on your sound, I think the Acelecs would be one to take home to momma".

'Secrets HT High Fidelity' : Munich M1

'Secrets HT High Fidelity' : Munich M1

Silent Angel Network Streamer in the Spotlight :

M2Tech Rock-Star Mitchell

M2Tech Rock-Star Mitchell

For dedicated enthusiasts :

Analogue Electronic Crossover paired with Crosby Monos ... put to the test :

"In short, Manunta strikes again. To the point that you want to dedicate a whole series of articles to him. Here are the first two :

It's not the first time that Marco has invented products that didn't exist before".

Digital Coax Cables - Shielding & Jitter

Digital Coax Cables - Shielding & Jitter

Pt. 2 of Alpha Audio's findings. First ... can you measure differences ?

To come ... can you hear a difference ?

Buying a New v Old CDP ?

Buying a New v Old CDP ?

Do all CD players sound the same ?

How would a 30 year old CDP compare to today’s offerings ?

A well ‘conducted’ - there are traps for the unwary - blind test does just that. Experienced listeners are put to the task, in a controlled situation, with several CDP’s over a 30 year time span.

What happens when you plonk a separate DAC in the chain – regardless of the Player ?

Digital Cable Differences ?

Digital Cable Differences ?

Can ... do Cables make a difference ?

Regardless of opinion there is one objective way to find out.

"Is there a measurable difference in Coaxial Interlinks ?


In fact, there are quite large differences".

Silent Angel Bonn NX Network Switch

Silent Angel Bonn NX Network Switch

Mr. Vinyl (Michael Fremer) engages with the NX :

"Undeniable Sonic Improvements"

M2Tech Rock-Star 'Tosh' Line Stage

M2Tech Rock-Star 'Tosh' Line Stage

The Range expands. The gain stage is totally discrete & is derived from the Marley MkII Amplifier schematic - modified to maximize the SNR, eliminating the unnecessary current requirement, that Marley MKII demands.

As with many Rock-Stars models,Tosh can be controlled by a free App for smartphones - by the Bluetooth module the unit is provided with.



Audio Art Cables - Classic I/C-3 & SC-5 HiRes Speaker Cables

Join :

Sonnet Digital Audio Morpheus MKII

M2Tech Rock-Star Nash

M2Tech Rock-Star Nash

Nash gains praise from AF Digitale in France.

Silent Angel Bonn N8 PRO : Reviewer's Choice

Silent Angel Bonn N8 PRO : Reviewer's Choice

"I am having a hard time packing this back up and am considering adding it to my System when finances allow. A Very Highly Recommended Product".

M2Tech Rock-Stars in Portugal

M2Tech Rock-Stars in Portugal

Translations have their foibles ... but you'll get the gist :

"The Rock-Star ensemble managed in one fell swoop my prejudice against class D and mini systems and at the same time, had this man, with a moustache & ninety-some kilos, with tears in his eye, praising the Woman, this “Meravigliosa Creatura” ! (Wonderful creature).



"In 2019, Silent Angel introduced the Rhein Z1, and now they have launched an all-new design, the Silent Angel Rhein Z1 Plus.

HiFi Pig Says: Silent Angel are building a great reputation for their products in the realm of the Digital Audiophile".

More than Enough ?

More than Enough ?

Audio Masterclass :

CD vs 24-bit Streaming - Sound of the past vs sound of the future

M2Tech Young MKIV

M2Tech Young MKIV

AF Digitale Review Rock-Star Young : Digital Heart in an Analog Soul.

"The M2TECH YOUNG MKIV probably won't impress you with its design but once turned on it will certainly capture your attention with its sonic capabilities".

Don't Buy This ... Unless

Don't Buy This ... Unless

High Fidelity Poland Review the Silent Angel Genesis GX Clock. They suggest, without a good Network Switch ... your money will not be well spent. Your System must be up to scratch too :

A Tale of 2 Speakers

A Tale of 2 Speakers

Matching Amps to Speakers is ...'Critical'.

Michael Lavorgna reports on a Sonnet Digital Audio - Stack :

Audio Art Cable : D-1SE2 AES/EBU Digital

Audio Art Cable : D-1SE2 AES/EBU Digital

“Going forward I only know this ; whenever the choice presents again, I shall once more trust my anecdotal evidence to opt for Balanced over standard S/PDIF Coax or BNC. Sunny Diego indeed”.

International Audio Interview

International Audio Interview

Interesting video discussing general HiFi matters :

Network Switches, Power Supplies and matching Amps to Speakers.

Alpha Audio talk to You-tuber 'Michael's Minute Hi-Fi Adventures'.

Network ... Noise

Network ... Noise

Do Network Switches matter ?

A-A dismember an Ambre :

"By the way, we have now only measured the influence of a Network Switch on the clock in a Streamer. We took a Metrum Acoustics Ambre to check jitter. This is a nice midrange Streamer with two neat vcxo Clocks from Tentlabs.

We wanted to show that even Network Switches can affect your Audio System.

And that has NOTHING to do with data integrity" !

Mono & Stereo : Best DACS of 2022

Mono & Stereo : Best DACS of 2022

In good company :

Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

dCS Rossini Apex/Clock ($73,000)

"Upper Echelon Class" 2023 - Pasithea

"Upper Echelon Class" 2023 - Pasithea

"Many of you were eager to learn more about Pasithea, so when Ruijtenberg suggested the review, I gladly accepted. Not only to serve our dear readers but also because I am always curious to see how far Ruijtenberg can raise the bar with his products" :

Silent Angel Munich Streamer M1T

Silent Angel Munich Streamer M1T

It's not often 6 (now) - Reviews pop-up in less than 1 month ... all from Poland :


Multiple Formats put to the Test

Multiple Formats put to the Test

No matter the Format ... Replay is best when ... 'Served' in it's Native Recording Resolution :

"Very nice recording in DXD Stereo, the tracks transcribe perfectly the voice & instruments. The dynamics are present with a beautiful timbre. The technical choices are at the top of the technique today. This DXD version is technically the nearest version to the Digital Master".

Networking Switches Explained

Networking Switches Explained

Videos from Hans B :

His take on the Silent Angel Bonn N8 - which can be further improved by the Forester F1 or 2 PSU. Or move up to the Bonn N8 PRO :

Acelec Model One Monitors

Acelec Model One Monitors

Flying into Audiokey's listening rooms :

"The Acelec Model One, in our opinion, is a major breakthrough for under US$10K Speakers".

Silent Agel Bremen B1

Silent Agel Bremen B1

Best Buy Award :


Silent Angel Bremen B1

Silent Angel Bremen B1

A Trifecta from Poland 2023 :,silent-angel-bremen-b1.html

Vinyl did NOT outsell CDs in the UK in 2022

Vinyl did NOT outsell CDs in the UK in 2022

John's yearly report (Déjà vu) ... contrary to mainstream media :

"Read it again - 11.6m CDs and 5.5m vinyl LPs. In other words, in the UK in 2022, CDs outsold vinyl two-to-one".

Silent Angel Munich M1T

Silent Angel Munich M1T

The End of the Search :


Affordable Streaming

Affordable Streaming

Enter the Audio networking arena ... with Silent Angel's Bremen B1T & 'Transport' yourself.


Sonnet Digital Pasithea

Sonnet Digital Pasithea

Part one of a Cees Ruijtenberg System, from Michael Lavorgna :

Silent Angel Bonn N8 Pro

Silent Angel Bonn N8 Pro

Audiophile-grade Network Switch. An Editor's Choice Award by Super AV in Hong Kong


New Year 'Sound' System ... Considerations

New Year 'Sound' System ... Considerations

Silent Angel kicks off the New Year from 4 different directions

Silent Angel kicks off the New Year from 4 different directions

Rhein Z1 & Forester F2 :

Rhein Z1 V2 $2975

Silent Angel meets Sonnet Pasithea

Silent Angel meets Sonnet Pasithea

Munich M1 + Forester F1 + Bonn N8

Polish High Fi Class

Polish High Fi Class

Bonn N8 PRO,silent-angel-bonn-n8-pro.html?fbclid=IwAR03H50jbyJISHbsz_lP6SvkSg_s3oeL4DHxPJqXgSuKPYGGoOE8c-Mrxzo

New Year's 'Resolution'

New Year's 'Resolution'

'All this makes the Bonn NX such an interesting tool that it will soon replace the Bonn N16 LPS model in our Reference System.

And finally there is a BNC socket, designed to connect an external 25 MHz Master Clock.

6 Moons 2022 'Uber System"

6 Moons 2022 'Uber System"

“An end of the road affair. This a pedal-to-the-metal ultra performance proposition for people who care deeply about their sound quality”.

At Euro15K – who might be tempted ? Only those that appreciate his sound preferences.

Alpha-Audio Top 5 for 2022

Alpha-Audio Top 5 for 2022

Jaap's pick on the DAC front ... Sonnet Digital Pasithea.

Network Switch Report from Alpha-Audio

Network Switch Report from Alpha-Audio

10 Switches put through their paces ... utilising …

”The Ambre is a neat, affordable Streamer that fits better ...”

MIA is Silent Angel. A previous test did include the Bonn N8. Results below :

"As you can see, the differences are small. But not to be ignored".

The 3 (out of 7) preferred - Bonn N8 395 Euro, 799 Euro & 899 Euro.

Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

"Exceptional Value" Award.

Audiophilia Products of the Year Award 2022

Audiophilia Products of the Year Award 2022

Audio Art Cable Classic Loom :

'Best of the Best' 2022

'Best of the Best' 2022

M2Tech Rock-Star Nash Phono Stage.

'Best of the Best' 2022

'Best of the Best' 2022

M2Tech Rock-Star Marley MKII Headphone Amp



Check our Specials page for some great end-of-year bargains.

FTA Elara Power Cable

FTA Elara Power Cable

Christiaan Punter revisits Elara :

Check 'Specials' Page.

Streaming Software 'Matters'

Streaming Software 'Matters'

Part 2 of Alpha-Audio's exploration into Platform software :

"Sonnet Pasithea D/A converter (+ Volume control), which then goes to an ASR Emitter 1 Amplifier. This Amplifier drives our TAD Evolution Two speakers. The Isotek Aquarius delivers clean power to the Sonnet. But the Titan is not in use, as the ASR is battery-powered".

Testing :
Windows Media Player
MacBook Pro M1

Their conclusions :

'Loom' them Up

'Loom' them Up

Classics :

Edgar Kramer 'spins' Pasithea

Edgar Kramer 'spins' Pasithea

"Accurate = Musical

Yes, the Goddess Pasithea lives in this DAC” …

Silent Angel

Silent Angel

Powering Up :

Shhhh ....

Shhhh ....

Silent Angel this year have been making quite a name for themselves. A comprehensive product range is available at very competitive prices. Stay 'tuned' ... we will be offering some of their best affordable performers soon .... just in time for Xmas.

Young MKIV in Japan

Young MKIV in Japan

"The Young MkIV's playback sound is rich in the mid-low range as a whole and the presence of the bass line exceeds that of the Pro iDSD Signature. Young MkIV feels like a proper upgrade to the NEO iDSD. The general sound trends are also similar".

Pasithea Tuning ?

Pasithea Tuning ?

Can Filtering Devices improve performance ?

"And we have been able to measure and hear that some products do nothing technically and also audibly little (or nothing). That may save you a trip to the shop".



Stereophile Recommended Components Fall 2022



"There’s some real magic going on here.

Very highly recommended".

M2Tech hiFace TWO

M2Tech hiFace TWO

Best dressed ... the easiest and economical way to enter the Streaming world ... from your PC ... direct to your Dac. TWO is back ... but not in Black ! Now flying the Italian Flag.

Do Plugs & Filters Work ?

Do Plugs & Filters Work ?

Alpha-Audio put a bundle to the test with measurements. Pasithea & Ambre are likely Guinea Pigs. Results should be of interest to Metrum & Sonnet owners.

Coming soon.

M2Tech Developments

M2Tech Developments

Various Audio manufacturers (e.g. Prima Luna) have utilised M2Tech’s … tech. Ahead of ‘Stills’ Streamer becoming available (from the Rock-Star range), Angstrom’s latest Dac ZDA71 incorporates Marco’s Streamer hardware. Software is ‘still’ under development from M2Tech, as it will be a proprietary app. The hardware though, obviously meets Angstrom’s approval – with their €10k+ Streamer Dac.

USB Audio vs I2S

USB Audio vs I2S

What’s best ?

Paul McGowan provides his opinion. However CR has tested long lengths of Cat cable … up to 20m plus …

Affordable ?

Affordable ?

C.20 years ago, Zanden hit the headlines with CD Transport & Dac. A 4 box ultimate costing US$43,440. 6 Moons Award declared - “Resetting the Art’s Outermost Limits … of Cost No Object Redbook Digital”. Connectivity between Transport & Dac was I2S, no brick-wall filtering and non-oversampling in design.

Digital progress has not stopped but affordability has greatly improved. Early implementations of Volume controllable Dacs were not universally accepted but that has now changed for many. Without the need for an expensive Preamp (& Cabling + less box-count), a Dac-Pre makes perfect financial sense.

Exactly 20 years ago, this was another Reviewer’s opinion re Zanden :

“I also wish it weren’t so expensive – US$9800 is a lot of money for a DAC, no matter how good it is. It leaves many of us waiting on the sidelines, wishing we could get sound as good for less money”.

Wishes can come true … refer the comprehensive Reviews for Sonnet Morpheus. Pasithea raises the bar even further. Reference Dac at 6 Moons was once the Zanden 5000 MkIV DAC … many Moons ago. Digital progress has seen many upgrades since.

As at 2022 Pasithea is the new Reference :

Vinyl Replay – But is It ?

Vinyl Replay – But is It ?

Morpheus fans will know, that employ Morphii (plural), as recording Digital Source – connected direct to cutting lathes, for Vinyl Mastering and downstream production. Established and well regarded Mobile Fidelity Vinyl specialists it seems, have not been quite so forthcoming. At US$125, it seems a very high price to pay for a disc.

"Who needs a Preamp … are you stuck in the Past" ?

"Who needs a Preamp … are you stuck in the Past" ?

Do you need to spend up to US$25K for a DAC-PRE ? OCD HiFi Guy is in trade (biased maybe – as are we ?) … but there are plenty of others reporting likewise. Check the Mono & Stereo Morpheus Review + 6 Moons Pasithea for ref. Old habits die hard though.

Best Value For Money

Best Value For Money

Silent Angel Bonn N8 & N8 PRO

HiFiLive Magazine review Silent Angel Network Switches (Spanish translation) :

Enquiry welcome.

The Silent Angel Bremen

The Silent Angel Bremen

The very versatile Bremen :

Translation Review from Lite Magazin Germany :

Caveat Emptor

Caveat Emptor

GoldenSound comments on Jay's iyagi (HiFi journey) Video (Selling all my ...) :

"I've had similar frustrations lately. I understand that having different options at different price points is good but when there are so many of what is essentially the same product just under different names, it gets pointless. I've turned down a fair few review units lately cause I honestly just do not want to review what is basically the same product 5 times".

Surge in CD Interest 2022

Surge in CD Interest 2022

As a firm follower of CD, it's pleasing to 'note' ... many others are joining/rejoining the fold. Discogs report :

"Since 2017, the number of CDs listed for sale in the Discogs Marketplace has increased steadily each year resulting in an overall 465% increase".

Also true, is that CD has potentially been HiRes all along - except that it's taken Digital to Analog progress in recent years ... to fully appreciate it.

'Audiophile Bargain'

'Audiophile Bargain'

In Jason Kennedy's opinion ...

Tweaking with Decouplers

Tweaking with Decouplers

"We place the minis under the Sonnet Morpheus and bizarre but true…. the effect is immediately audible; there is more space around the music, it breathes better as if the space in which the music plays is enlarged".

Processing, processing and more …

Processing, processing and more …

Master recording – Master copies – maybe Remastered all over again. Then Label & Music Platform processing/algorithms/upsampling/downsampling. All using differing processes before you get the music. DXD/PCM – DSD/MQA Transcoding … more processing. Explains why there can be differences in SQ received.

Part 1 of an exploration into Platform differences from Alpha-Audio :

On The Horizon

On The Horizon

The NEW EVO Range :

Sister Brand to M2Tech ... Manunta-Audio will debut later this year. Modular Hi-Fi components for desktop and traditional Audio Systems. Starting with EVO SUPPLY 3, EVO PHONO 3, EVO DAC 3 & EVO DDC 3.



Jitter is a problem and it can start with the recording itself.

Can Coaxial Cables do the same ? Seems some do. Alpha Audio put a few to the test.

Pasithea in the pipeline.

"Modern Dacs are now pretty good at eliminating jitter. Older Dacs are not".

Gizmos may not be all they are ‘cracked up’ to be :

Sonnet Digital Audio Hermes

Sonnet Digital Audio Hermes

There are some Reference component upgrades ... at Geoffrey's place :

Things to Come

Things to Come

M2Tech Munich :

Introducing the 1st of the EVO 3's (yes several components) :


Albedo Audio : Munich H-E 2022

Albedo Audio : Munich H-E 2022

Albedo introduce new models to the range.

The New Axcentia Diamond &


2nd Floor, Atrium 4.2, Stand F223

Audio Mohicans (The Last Of ?)

Audio Mohicans (The Last Of ?)

Jaap Veenstra wonders about the Audio future ... and how Corporate Investment has become a growing driving HiFi force ... as opposed to innovative design from specialist enthusiast developers :

There is also a growing number of Brands ... that are just clones ... of others :

M2Tech at Munich High-End 2022

M2Tech at Munich High-End 2022

Hall 4 W06

There will be some new introductions from Italy - covering a range of products and price points. Stay 'Tuned'.

'Streaming' ... Metis - The Final Touch

'Streaming' ... Metis - The Final Touch

It's a double-whammy at HFA. Christiaan Punter finds Ethernet Cables do make a difference ... at least to his ears & System. Stock v Mad Scientist Black Magic v Pink Faun Digital :



Verdict :

M2Tech’s Marley MkII is probably the most bonafide one-stop-shop for headphone listening I’ve ever used. I dare say this little Rock Star has the attributes to become a legend like its namesake".

Final Touch Audio Sinope USB

Final Touch Audio Sinope USB

Christiaan Punter takes Sinope for a ride :

"After all the USB cables that I reviewed, at some point, I truly felt that I had heard it all and there were no more surprises for me in store. Against this backdrop, it’s an absolute joy to come across a new product that is so evidently superior to everything that came before it. My conclusion, quite simply, is that I have not heard a better USB cable than the Sinope.

Starting immediately, this is the new HFA favorite" !

Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea

New stock and full colour choice now available.

Audio Art Cables

Audio Art Cables

Adding to the AAC Range ... e Cryo Power Cables have now arrived, fitted with Furutech NZ/AU Plugs. The genuine articles - not clones.

A HiFi Perspective ... from the Doctor

A HiFi Perspective ... from the Doctor

Some of us crave the new, while others are content with the familiar. The first to enthuse over and adopt a new technology are the very small minority of well-informed risk-takers (Innovators) and later the educated opinion leaders who follow positive response from the innovators (Early Adopters). The majority of users are careful to avoid risk, relying on recommendations from experienced users (Early Majority) or somewhat sceptical and only adopting products when they are commonplace (Late Majority). There are also a few who avoid change and may only adopt a new product when the original options have been withdrawn (Laggards).

Advertising of a new product is initially directed to innovators and early adopters and Reviewers can be found among these pioneers and champions. And perhaps these attitudes align with the commonly used labels Technophile and Audiophile, as well as the less common Musicophile (the latter is probably more common in music discussions). The technophiles are the innovators and early adopters. The audiophiles are the majority and the musicophiles are the laggards.

Now there’s a contentious generalising hypothesis !

'Sound' Familiar ?

'Sound' Familiar ?

2022 : “Old songs now represent 70 percent of the U.S. music market. Even worse ; The new-music market is actually shrinking”.

“Well, if at any point in the last 20 years you've heard a song from The Backstreet Boys, Britney Spears, N'Sync, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, Ace of Base, Katy Perry, Celine Dion, Bon Jovi, Adam Lambert, Carrie Underwood, Pink, Justin Bieber… then you've unwittingly been subjected to the creations of a Swedish born musical genius who goes by the name of Max Martin”.

Little point going beyond CD quality ?

Little point going beyond CD quality ?

Dynamic Range corresponds to decibels :

“You need extraordinary circumstances to be able to use more than 96dB. Even in the quietest rooms, the human body's (& ambient room) noise accounts for about 30 or 40 decibels - so putting CD's dynamic range on top of that spans nearly to 140dB. That's getting close to sound pressure level a jet engine produces close up. There are some Loudspeakers that can produce sound at that level but they've got speaker cones 2m across” … Bernhard Grill

"Twenty-four bits is a number rarely achieved in practice. You typically get equipment only to 20 bits," said Laurie Fincham, Senior Vice President of audio research and development at THX.

"It's a very large dynamic range and very close to human hearing".

Why 'Inter-IC-Sound' ?

Why 'Inter-IC-Sound' ?

Since the early beginning of Digital playback via CD, the original signal read by a laser was/is coded in I2S format. External connection usually based on S/P-DIF format cabling.

I2S separates clock and serial data signals on separate wires, resulting in simpler receivers than those required for asynchronous systems that need to recover the clock from the data stream.

In S/P-DIF format all data lines are modulated into one combined signal. These signals then have to be demodulated. The reason for transmitting different signals on separate cables, is to achieve better signal quality on the receiving end of any System.

And avoid unnecessary processing … keeping the signal chain honest.

M2Tech Young MKIV

M2Tech Young MKIV

From Poland - a Headphone & Monitor System independent Blog :

"I definitely recommend it !!!

Cable Conundrums

Cable Conundrums

Audio components respond to Cabling :

System synergy and preference will vary. Inputs and outputs between different products will factor … affecting performance.

I2S (Inter-IC Sound) offers Digital potential - an Audio standard introduced in 1986 by Philips and used mainly in Audio/Data transmission for internal connections between CD transport and DAC in a CD player. Now with PC, Server and Transport potential.

“The main advantage over the long established SPDIF interface is that the I2S interface has a separate word clock. Theoretically, this will allow for lower transmission jitter”.

Neither USB or RCA were designed for Digital.

As for Cables the following links provide general … Information.

Digital Connections

Digital Connections

Long term CD Transport/Dac users will attest to Digital BNC and AES connectivity. I2S (Integrated Circuit Sound) connections, were once rare as hen's teeth. But not any longer and offer an alternative (to USB).

Audiostream (axed by Stereophile) listening to two R2R US$14,000 Dacs :

"I prefer AES, when available, as properly-implemented AES is a better link than USB. "Oh, wait a minute." someone said continuing, "USB goes all the way to 384kHz while AES maxes out at a measly 192 !"

Piffle! (I say). No really, piffle. And I say piffle because focusing on sample rates instead of the quality of the DAC, with all music is like focusing on the ingredients in a wedding cake".

Net-Working Digital System

Net-Working Digital System

'The Hans Beekhuyzen Channel' provides an informative Video on Silent Angel's Munich M1 and Forester F1 Power Supply ; It’s a Network Player, a Network Bridge and a Roon Endpoint, that has a built-in DAC but also offers I²S, AES/EBU and SPDIF Digital outputs. The price ? $1,695 (M1).

Switching Up ... a Gear

Switching Up ... a Gear

Is your common place Router up to the job ? The Bonn N8 :

"Even within the first few notes of the track, the Bonn N8 has effectively increased the degree of resolution and the level of detail. And I am not talking about small increments" !

The Beekhuyzen Channel provides us some visuals :


Silent Angel

Silent Angel

We are working with the good people at SA, to introduce their range of products to the NZ market. If not familiar Mr. Google is your friend. Below a link to the 'Audiophile Man' Video explaining Digital Transports :

Making Award winning Connections

Making Award winning Connections

Final Touch Audio provides the all-important 'links' in the Audio Chain ... at the Florida Audio Expo 2022 :

Gold Show Best Sound Award.

'EAR Bashing'

'EAR Bashing'

M2Tech Rock-Star Nash

"Manunta’s little creation is a proper disrupter at its own price point".

New Reference

New Reference

6 Moons succumb to Pasithea's charms.

It's a 60th Birthday present to himself ....

"Miss Peach has now upgraded my big System's Digital to the next level".

Srajan Ebaen

New Reference

New Reference

Pasithea stays behind after Class ...

The new Reference Converter-Processor for Alpha-Audio.


Sonnet Pasithea 'Rocks' Alpha-Audio

Sonnet Pasithea 'Rocks' Alpha-Audio

"From a sound technical point of view, we have not yet heard any converter that plays so quietly and in such a controlled manner.

Absolutely Alpha Audio Approved" !

M2Tech Young MKIV & Van der Graaf MKII

M2Tech Young MKIV & Van der Graaf MKII

Following on from the 2020 TAS Award 2020 for Young MKIII & VdG ...

MKIV & VdG MKII also hit the right 'notes'.


Accolades Continue for Cees Ruijtenberg's Adagio

Accolades Continue for Cees Ruijtenberg's Adagio

Not to be forgotten - Metrum's Adagio fitted out with DAC3 Modules receives another Award.

"In this video I am looking back over all my reviews on 2021 and awarding my BEST HiFi Products of the YEAR".


A 5 Star rating for Sonnet Digital Morpheus MKII

A 5 Star rating for Sonnet Digital Morpheus MKII

From Poland :

"To my ear, this is a level that places the tested device in a higher league than many competitors from this price range. The Morpheus MKII should be on your list of listening devices - it's definitely worth checking out " !,sonnet-morpheus-mk-ii.html?_x_tr_sl=pl&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc

A Little 'Bit' more ... History

A Little 'Bit' more ... History

A video is always useful and informative. Stepping back in time - a very good intro to Rob Fritz's designs. Check the range.

"Ron's 'Pick Award' ... was given within the 1st 5 mins" for New Record Day.

Introducing ...

Introducing ...

If you have read the Audiokey Review of Sonnet Morpheus & Hermes, Audio Art Cables gel well. The same will apply to the Metrum Range. Details forthcoming ... meantime a link to their extensive Reviews :

Reference NOS DAC Pasithea ?

Reference NOS DAC Pasithea ?

Srajan Ebaen concludes his Sonnet Digital Audio Pasithea - NOS DAC 'Passive' PRE :

"I really do need to do something about my downstairs converter now" …

The World of NOS - True or False ?

The World of NOS - True or False ?

Not is all it seems !

"Many of them will offer options that produce an output similar to NOS but are not actually NOS".

Audiokey Review of Morpheus & Hermes

Audiokey Review of Morpheus & Hermes

“Seductive” Combo :

New Year Audio Attractions

New Year Audio Attractions

Sonnet Digital Audio :

Pasithea - Flagship NOS DAC/PRE

M2Tech :

Larson Mono-Blocs (see below)
Rock-Star Stills Music Streamer
Lifestyle Morrison All-in-One Streamer/DAC/ADC/PRE/AMPLIFIER

Final Touch Audio :

Elara Power Cable
SiNOPE Flagship USB Cable

M2Tech Larson Mono-Blocs

M2Tech Larson Mono-Blocs

Coming 2022 ...

The Larson is a low-power, Class-A amplifier with separate power supply. It delivers 20Wrms on 8 Ohms and 40W 4 Ohms - a circuit which resembles that of a single-ended Triode Tube Amp.

Sonnet Digital Audio Morpheus

Sonnet Digital Audio Morpheus

You can't always come out on top ... but a worthy mention always gratefully accepted.

Runner Up at Twittering Machines 'Favourite HiFi Gear' 2021

The Highest Compliment

The Highest Compliment

Stereophile Review Morpheus :

"I hated handing the Morpheus to the FedEx guy—so much that I ended up buying one".

M2Tech Rock-Star Stack

M2Tech Rock-Star Stack

Way out West in Perth WA, Barry Jones takes Young MKIV, Van der Graaf MKII PSU & Crosby Mono Blocs for a spin ... with his (Italian) Sonus Faber Amati Homage Speakers.

Dutch Audio Event 2021

Dutch Audio Event 2021

A full Ruijtenberg System on dem : Hermes, Pasithea & Morpheus, Kratos Mono Blocs & Acel Model One Monitors.

Dutch Audio Event

Dutch Audio Event

SoundPrism Speaker demonstration :

Sonnet Digital Audio's Hermes Streamer & Morpheus NOS DAC/PRE .... at the forefront.

So small you can hardly see them.

M2Tech Musical Future

M2Tech Musical Future

THE EAR feature M2Tech's story so far. On the horizon 'Morrison' DAC/Streamer/ADC/Amplifier (not many of those around). And finally Network Streamer 'Stills' arrives ... to join Crosby, Nash & Young.

Full story here :

Hermes & Morpheus : Performing

Hermes & Morpheus : Performing

If you are a Digital Active Speaker fan … then you need a Source & capable D/A Converter. But you then need Volume control. SoundPrism have found the answers :

“What remains for the customer is to connect an Analogue Source with Volume control to the crossover. SoundPrism use a Sonnet Audio Hermes Streamer with Volumio software and Sonnet Audio Morpheus DAC.

A proven and delightful combination”.

Morpheus & Hermes

Morpheus & Hermes

Michael Lavorgna's 'In Barn' experience :

"Yikes" !

M2Tech EVO Phono-DAC TWO : 'Best of 2021'

M2Tech EVO Phono-DAC TWO : 'Best of 2021'

Master Switch Report :

"M2Tech's EVO phonoDAC Two is a Phono stage with a twist : it’s aimed at Vinyl collectors seeking to convert their precious vintage records into Digital Audio. Yes, we know Phono-to-USB boxes have been around for ages ... but the EVO takes it to a new level".

SDA Morpheus MKII & more ...

SDA Morpheus MKII & more ...

MKII offers Tube Amp lovers a selectable -10dB attenuator, that better matches input sensitivity for such designs ... making full use of Morpheus as a Digital Preamplifier.

'FOM' looks to be not too far away ... hopefully news soon.

Metrum Adagio DAC TWO or THREE ?

Metrum Adagio DAC TWO or THREE ?

Terry Ellis puts Adagio through its paces ... with both Transient DAC Module choices. It seems he only switched on for 48 hours - which if brand new, is not enough time to run in properly ?

Has it been short-changed ?

M2Tech Young MKIV + Van der Graaf MKII PSU

M2Tech Young MKIV + Van der Graaf MKII PSU

From Switzerland AV Guide appraise the latest Dac/Pre/Headphone Amp design from Marco Manunta :

"It is cutting-edge and fully equipped - together with the Van Der Graaf power supply, it grows into an absolute high-end realm in terms of sound. The fact that other M2Tech components can be upgraded with the same power supply at the same time ... makes the additional financial investment almost a bargain.

Bravo, M2Tech - grace per la musica" !



"It is simply an excellently mixed cocktail for those who prefer music's soul but at the same time do not want it 'coloured'. On the contrary authentic and realistic.- Morpheus - true to his name - will accompany you through every real musical dream !

HiFi Statement Germany Review Young MKIV

HiFi Statement Germany Review Young MKIV

For copyright reasons in Germany M2Tech sail under the 'Manunta' Banner.

"I started my listening test by connecting the Young MKIV as a pure D/A converter in place of my PS-Audio DirectStream DAC … So I took the Audio-gd Preamplifier out of the game and let Young take over. That turned out to be spot on. The Young played as if unleashed, airy and lively.

Even if the new Young costs significantly less - with the switched-mode power supply only a quarter - than my regular combination of PS Audio DAC and Audio gd Preamplifier, I didn't miss it".

If Money Matters ?

If Money Matters ?

"Hi-fi has always been a hobby for people with extra money to spend. But it was in the 1990s that the prices for some of the equipment got, as one designer succinctly described it to me, “stupid".

Yet, many people still bought these products thinking that they were getting the best - as in the best sounding - simply because they cost a lot.

Why this happens is obvious - it’s natural to associate price with quality".

'Father of Morpheous' ... update.

'Father of Morpheous' ... update.

To Measure and/or listen ?

“What if optimising one measurement worsens another and vice versa like an unbreakable teeter-totter ? These examples all exceed sheer specmanship. They involve sonic judgement calls which are made by people not machines. Setting the final sonic balance is a vital judgement call”.

Highly Recommended

Highly Recommended

Morpheus does not quite make it .... when compared to the $28K+ References in this Review from Audiophilia. However, SDA's Reference (Father of Morpheus) ... is yet to come.

Metrum DAC 3 Upgrade

Metrum DAC 3 Upgrade

Alpha-Audio get to grips with Metrum’s new DAC 3 Modules – upgrading their Reference Pavane DAC TWO model. Their explanation of how to install the new modules is useful. Expensive for both Adagio & Pavane so check their impressions.

A no brainer really for Amethyst, Onyx & Jade.

NOS Digital Marries Vinyl

NOS Digital Marries Vinyl

Vinyl lovers can now get the best of both worlds. In Mastering Studio Morpheus being calibrated to the Neumann cutting Lathes. With no output Stage, Analogue source information goes direct from the Dac modules to the Lathes. All that was required was some extra module juice to power things up.

Morpheus Mastering

Morpheus Mastering

Record Industry : A Vinyl production plant & Digital Mastering Studio. They produce up to 50,000 discs … a day !

Record Industry are now commissioning 3 optimised Morpheus Dacs, to enable Digital conversion direct to their Neumann cutting lathes. Cees’ NOS conversion is the key, free from Digital filtering and Digital artifacts.

The cutting rooms are all equipped with two Neumann lathes, VMS80/70 for lacquer and VMS82 for DMM (Direct Metal Mastering) cuts. On the Digital front they cover CD, DAT, PCM1630, DDP, HDD and Mastered versions via FTP, download link, CD or USB (for streaming services, digital downloads) etc.

….ING Tales

….ING Tales

Platform Wars (yet another proprietary Format) - If you ‘buy’ into it ?

According to Apple’s Senior Vice President - internet software and services :

Apple Music
“There’s no question it’s NOT going to be lossless. Because the reality of lossless is : if you take a 100 people and you take a stereo song in lossless and you take a song that’s been in Apple Music that’s compressed, I don’t know if it’s 99 or 98 can’t tell the difference”.

Apple Newsroom :
“Apple Music subscribers will also be able to listen to more than 75 million songs in Lossless Audio — the way the artists created them in the studio”.

It begs the question … Why bother offering Lossless Audio to just 1-2% of consumers ?

The answer is the all-new Dolby Atmos – Spatial Audio. Except this new Format adds DSP to recordings … “Listening to a song in Dolby Atmos is like magic”.

So definitely NOT … the way the artists created them in the studio i.e. Lossless without DSP.

Having listened to the Atmos demo's just on a desk-top - there is a difference to Marvin Gaye's tracks. Immediate impression is ... it's louder !

An old 'Trick of the Tail'.

4 Exceptional Top Dac Test ... Tune-in Time

4 Exceptional Top Dac Test ... Tune-in Time

Alpha-Audio 'conduct' a recording/playback session at Artone Studios. Musicians Sam and Julia perform live. As usual Lossless recording files are available. Listen at home on your System.

Morpheus comment from Julia :

"More 'in room' with musicians".

Metrum DAC TWO V Dac 3

Metrum DAC TWO V Dac 3

Alpha-Audio compare Pavane with the new Dac 3 Modules in their Reference System and new recording gear. Available on Youtube (mp3) but best to download the lossless files which they make available.

Marley MKII 'French Connection'

Marley MKII 'French Connection'

"The Marley MkII shines with its versatility, whether for varied musical styles or the various Headsets and Headphones that it is asked to power.

Its high output power allows it to cope with high impedances and its control at low voltage gives it the ability to adapt brilliantly to Headphones that consume less energy".

The High-End from ... DiDiT

The High-End from ... DiDiT

Long time coming ... news soon. Time has not been wasted however - on-board Streamer now updated and further tweaks made prior to 1st production run.

Chinese Review Hermes + Morpheus

Chinese Review Hermes + Morpheus

Translation :

"Returning to the price, if you talk about the appearance, workmanship, size, weight and function of Morpheus and Hermes, their prices are not cheap but if you are talking about the price, you may find it difficult to find a rival at the same or even higher price".

Mr. Google Translation - close but not perfect :

Father of Morpheus Update

Father of Morpheus Update

Doubling the processing power with 8 x SDA Dac Modules requires a beefier Transfomer. Noise floor reportedly reduced to new levels. Prototype boards revealed ... and a little more 'Information'.

VUmetre Magazine France

VUmetre Magazine France

"Here is a very astonishing device which surprises as much on form as on substance. It’s an eminently purist approach in the best sense of the word.

As for its sound behavior, it derives its legitimacy from studio experience more than HiFi. Indeed it focuses on an extraordinary power of resolution in this price range and plays the role of acoustic facilitator.

In a world that sometimes tends to standardize, this little converter brings a big breath of fresh air".

The Wizard of NOS

The Wizard of NOS

Sonnet Morpheus and Hermes Review by John Grandberg for Darko Audio :

New Metrum Pricing : Dac to Dac

New Metrum Pricing : Dac to Dac

With the option now of DAC TWO or the latest Dac 3 upgrades to all models (except Flint), there's performance and price choice. Progress means both Onyx & Jade now come in below the acclaimed Hexadecimal (& Menuet) NOS Dacs' pricing.

Even better, we can now offer Jade's Variable Voltage gain stage free - Onyx or Jade - your choice - same price.

Dac 3 upgrade to Flint is not possible regretably, as the new Modules' processing power ... simply overwhelm it.

As a refresher, Hiend News Greece found Menuet came exceedingly close to ....

Onyx superseded Menuet and now there is Dac 3.

HiRes ... with no catches.

HiRes ... with no catches.

"Qobuz isn't messing around with unnecessary proprietary schemes, rather it teamed with real musicians to record AND deliver true studio quality music right to our ears.

This is a pure PCM recording that requires no special equipment to hear at 100% full resolution, straight from the studio, and has not been dumbed down to meet the bandwidth limitations of the 1990s".

Loss-less ... is more.

Loss-less ... is more.

It’s all you need :

Could it be Tidal has reacted very quickly to recent articles (see below) surrounding MQA’s credibility ?

And strangely Oz – first … after all Qobuz has only just arrived (officially) down-under (NZ too).

Now we can add alternatives to MQA with new arrivals :

“The key to experiencing 360 Reality Audio in hardware, is that each product will need to have Sony’s custom decoder built-in. Dolby Atmos Music tracks work on any home audio kit that supports Dolby Atmos”.

‘Sound’ familiar ?

More MQA ... Exposé ?

More MQA ... Exposé ?

The video below explores the subject (in depth) - with some worrying content. Alpha-Audio have compared Qobuz to Tidal and found some anomalies with Tidal ... their SQ preference being Qobuz.

It highlights (yet again), most HiRes downloads and Streamed higher price content ... is just Upsamled. DIY on either an Audio Platform ... or even cheaper on an EVO Server.

Frederic V mentioned in the vid is of course Frederic Vanden Poel - EVO 432 Server designer.

Code Name : Father of Morpheus

Code Name : Father of Morpheus

It's been a 'bumpy ride' for Cees Ruijtenberg over the last few years. The AKM factory fire late last year causing problems for many manufacturers ... why some cannot supply product.

Not so at SDA.

Metrum Acoustics Update

Metrum Acoustics Update

DAC 3 Modules are now available to upgrade Onyx/Jade/Pavane & Adagio existing owners.

Factory fitted new models for the latest improvements in NOS Development.

Choice of either DAC 2 OR 3 when ordered.

Metrum Acoustics Ambre

Metrum Acoustics Ambre

Stereonet UK get their hands on Metrum's Ambre.

Seems some applause is due.

Acelec Model One Monitors

Acelec Model One Monitors

"For being true to the source, for its disappearing act, unreserved dynamism and perhaps most importantly to get it so right in the first take the Acelec Model One speakers are more than deserving to be bestowed with the 2021 Mono and Stereo Upper Echelon Product Award".

SDA Kratos = Strength in Greek Mythology

SDA Kratos = Strength in Greek Mythology

No strength needed to lift it/them. Each Mono Bloc comes in at 3.9Kg. Another example of Monster Amp extinction.

Coming in at $9,650 (pair) ... some wallet strength is required ... but at the High-End - this is low price. No need for a Preamp when partnered with Morheous ... and good ones cost more.

End Game Trio.

US Music Fans Bought More CDs Than Vinyl in 2020 !

US Music Fans Bought More CDs Than Vinyl in 2020 !

Hats Off indeed to Darko Audio ...

For the Music Business Worldwide exposé of ... the real truth behind actual physical Album sales ... "Americans still purchased 50% more CDs than Vinyl records in 2020".

Monster Amp(s) Extinction

Monster Amp(s) Extinction

Audio progress … Dinosaurs downsize … not over 65 million years – more like 65 months. Final specifications yet to be confirmed from production models … enter Hyper-Amp212 (yes that little box in between the monsters on the floor).

DAC212SE also mutates now into DAC212SEII. Not just for Main System use … a specialist Headphone Amp too. As mentioned below (Soundstage Solo Headphone Advice), low impedance Amplifiers are recommended. Review an Integrated All-in-One (from a well-known Brand) but find the Headphone Amplifier disappointing. The conclusion for dedicated enthusiasts summed up thus :

“I’ve been a little obsessed with Headphones of late. After years of dissatisfaction with Headphone listening I finally found the key to first-class listening. That is : a low output impedance on the Amplifier”.

Coming soon to the SoundStage Group :

The Importance of the Audio Chain

The Importance of the Audio Chain

Spotify go Hi-Fi – can you hear the difference ?

For a Senior Technology Editor this article is somewhat worrying. He uses a US$150 pair of headphones plugged directly into a desktop PC’s motherboard. Likely Dac value $3 – 20. What value on board Amplification (?) – probably similar. He’s not convinced ‘Lossless’ adds any benefit over an MP3 :

“I’m willing to bet most people can’t tell apart a lossless file from a 256 kbps MP3 one”.

On such a System this should be no surprise.

The Headphones are overkill in this context and sound-wise, music presentation is dictated by as little as an (average) $20 Dac/Headphone Amp. Likely to be one month’s Spotify sub.

Are You an Audiophile ?

Are You an Audiophile ?

10 Questions to Ask Yourself

Hearing Loss – Concerned ?

Hearing Loss – Concerned ?

Stereophile reported many years ago that 90% of music is contained in the mid-band. Hans Beekhuyzen reports that above 10kHz you will only miss out on the last Octave. At age 20 most people cannot hear 20kHz – age 40 15kHz and at 70 years 12kHz maybe cut-off points.

Pic represents a musical track frequency response - arrow to the right indicates what's being missed above 10kHz.

To untrained ears (the 10 year rule perhaps applies i.e. it takes that amount of time to become proficient in something), younger people with the best hearing, are unlikely to be able to discern the intricacies of sound reproduction … perhaps why Audio enthusiasm grows from around this age - affordability an issue too.

“Young people can’t hear better, they merely hear half an octave more than a middle aged person and that half octave contains very little information on a very low level”.

Measurements …

Measurements …

For some, independent confirmation of Spec performance is essential … before even considering certain products. If you only listen to test tones … then this is ‘sound’ buying philosophy indeed. On the Digital front, there are a few forums/sites dedicated to just this aspect of decision making.

On the Vinyl front, this must mean that none (of measurement aficionados), will ever own or contemplate owning a Vinyl System … following the same approach. Logically it will not … measure up :

“What Audiophiles don’t understand about Vinyl is that it is a truly flawed format, if you are looking past the historical significance and hipster kitsch. 1) Vinyl has a limit of about 65dB Dynamic Range total, when most recordings have much more headroom than that, and 2) the “warmth” that you hear is in fact second-degree harmonic distortion from the stylus actually vibrating in the physical groove of the Vinyl record”. Jerry Del Colliano - Audioholics

Headfi Advice : SoundStage Solo

Headfi Advice : SoundStage Solo

“It’s for this reason that I always recommend serious music listeners buy Amps with low output impedance. Assuming you buy well-tuned Headphones, this will deliver the most realistic and accurate tonal balance.

However, with the Tube Amp, you’re getting something that looks cool and may feel more satisfying to buy and own than a Solid-State Amp in a plain rectangular box. From the standpoint of appreciating the music to its fullest, I consider it folly for listeners to buy gear with the intent of altering the sound; to me, that’s like putting sugar in a glass of pinot grigio because, in your opinion, it’s too tart”.

Measured Performance Mono & Stereo original DAC212 - Output Impedance : 1.6Ohm @ 1kHz Max

High Fidelity Poland (see below) comment on prototype DAC212SEII :

... Very, very good Headphone Amplifier which repeats all those features that I heard on the XLR output. Tested with Sennheiser HD800 and HiFiMAN HE-1000 v2.

DAC212SEII ... to come.

2021 : The Year for Digital Progress

2021 : The Year for Digital Progress

High Fidelity Poland Reviews the Prototype DiDiT DAC212SEII

Check it out :

Stereotype : "Solid impression on one or more idea(s) or theory”.

Stereotype : "Solid impression on one or more idea(s) or theory”.

Stereophile’s Jim Austin considers Audio ‘stories’. Is class D Amplification really Digital ? “It's neither. It's complicated. That's a better story and it gives us a reason to take another look at Class-D”.

NOS Dacs do not measure well. In the article you can see a graphic which depicts this. Is that what we really hear ? “NOS DACs, so commonly embraced by Vinyl fans as the most Analog-sounding DACs, are the most Digital of Digital Sources from this point of view. That's a better story”.

Equally Tube Amplifiers can sound Solid State and in return SS can sound Tube-Like. It all depends on designer implementation and ‘Sound’ reproduction objectives.

1st Review for 2021 ... goes to ...

1st Review for 2021 ... goes to ...

DiDiT High-End

Pre-production units in the Sound Advocate's spotlight. It should be noted that they have been under development for years.

MKI/II DACS & MKI/II Proto Amps were in play at the Melbourne 2018/19 HiFi Shows. Progress continues.

In the Review Hyper-Amp 212 features an earlier PSU - rated at 300watts. Production units will feature a 500 watt 'Ultra-slick' PSU. Music Server originally to be via USB Stick ... now on board. Even more of a squeeze into such a 'Tiny Box'.

Available end of 1st Quarter ... $7995 each.

the Sound Advocate USA :

Astounding Sounds - Amazing Music

Astounding Sounds - Amazing Music

DiDiT DSD/DXD/PCM DAC212SEII + Hyper-Amp 212 in production soon ... available end 1st Quarter.

Certified Roon Endpoint, DLNA and UPnP Streaming. Double Headphone outputs with variable connection possibilities. 4000mW of pure power - ranking it amongst the most Powerful Headphone Amplifiers available. This power combined with the low impedance allows the DAC212SEII to drive almost any Headphone or Power Amplifier directly.

Proprietary Class D Amplifier draws on 500watt ultra-fast Power Supply to drive even difficult Speaker loads. 5 components built into two tiny solidly built stylish enclosures. Smaller than a loaf of bread.

2021 ... Things to Come

2021 ... Things to Come

M2Tech Rock-Star Young MKIV
Sonnet Digital Audio Kratos Mono Blocs
DiDiT High-End DAC212SEII + Hyper AMP 212
Acelec Engineering Model Two Active Monitors & Subwoofer

... more later.

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

A double-banger for CR. Morpheus ... Mono & Stereo.

Best of 2020

Best of 2020

Mono & Stereo present Part One of Acelec Engineering's Model One Stand-Mount Monitor Speakers Review. They 'Stand-Out' it seems :

For more Stand-Out 2020 Products ... see below

Alpha-Audio's Top Five for 2020

Alpha-Audio's Top Five for 2020

No.1 Sonnet Digital Morpheus ... "A Bargain".

From Germany Einsnull Hermes & Morpheus Report

From Germany Einsnull Hermes & Morpheus Report

"With sophisticated technology the Sonnet Morpheus achieves exactly the sound that makes Ladder Dac’s so unique. Its fresh, detailed and exceptionally spatial sound inspires across the board. In addition, the Hermes is an ideal Source device with its great performance and individually adaptable software.

All facets of the individual components were evident and the precise dynamic play never seemed to overwhelm the Speakers and even at the listening position one never felt overwhelmed despite the abundant information.

Instead, the Sonnet Combo allows you to dive deep into the music or just be entertained.

Sonnet knows how to get optimal results from Digital Audio Signals. With the combination of I2S transmission, the sophisticated Ladder Dac concept and the loss-free Pre-stage, one tries to influence the Signal as little as possible and thus to receive as much information as possible.

Hermes and Morph reward this work with an excellent sound experience that is worthy of their names as role models".

For the full (German ) Review :

Rock-Star Young MKIV

Rock-Star Young MKIV

M2Tech proudly announces the new Young MkIV DAC/Preamplifier ($4150) :

Fourth generation of the famous Young DAC, the Young MkIV offers huge improvement. New generation XMOS interface and the adoption of the AK4497 conversion IC. Sampling rate up to 768kHz and DSD512 are now accepted - while MQA decondig is now active on all inputs. An I2S input in PS Audio format - while Analog outputs are now both Single-Ended and Balanced.

A Headphones output is available on the front panel, driven by a high quality Class-AB Amplifier.

Cabling Matters

Cabling Matters

Silver Cables mate well with all Sonnet & Metrum components. At Novo Canada Hermes Server & Pavane Dac performed Reference Source & Conversion duties.

New Year News

New Year News

SDA – 8. Design is nearing completion for Sonnet Digital Audio’s new Flagship Dac … doubling the Modules in Morpheous. Good News to start the New Year ... available 1st Quarter.

One Box ... or Two ?

One Box ... or Two ?

The latest ‘live’ broadcast/recordings from Alpha-Audio features the Band ‘Out of Skin’. Reference Dac Pavane and Ambre Streamer. 5 Tube Amps tested. Conclusion : System matching (Amp/Speakers/Cabling) is even more … Critical. Don’t expect wonders “just dropping a Tube Amp in your System”.

Getting the best of both worlds is possible – Metrum Forte Stereo (on Special) provides Tube flavour with Solid State power. Soon Sonnet Digital Kratos will offer Mono-Bloc configuration. Both designs Class A/B. System matching easier with Triode Solid State Power Emulation.

Streaming Success over Loudness Wars

Streaming Success over Loudness Wars

The Future of Mastering : Loudness in the Age of Music Streaming

Alan Silverman shows how Music Streaming services have turned the world of Mastering for loudness upside down. But there's good news. Level is not loudness.

History - How the Music changed :

Peak Normalised Sound to Loudness Sound 1924 - 1995
Distortion 0.3%
Dynamic Range 60dB

1996 - 2019
Distortion 20+%
DR 12dB

"Loudness is perceptual, subjective, the result of pitch, balance, tonality, transient response & DR. Level is an objective check measurement of a single variable - SPL, Watts, Volts & RMS".

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein

A gamma wave is a pattern of neural oscillation in humans with a frequency between 25 and 140Hz ... 40Hz point being of particular interest. Wiki

Can certain sound frequencies be of health benefit ? There are now several medical studies from around the world reporting 432 Tuning can be effective. Whilst there is some 'questionable' claims on the world-wide-web re 432 ... health benefits are now not one of them.

At a more fundamental level (40Hz), there is promising research for those suffering from Dementia and Alzheimers and more ...

Not everyone’s a Believer … but

Not everyone’s a Believer … but

All Cees Ruijtenberg Designs respond to Cabling. Can they make a difference ?

Novo in Canada believe so. On test with References Metrum Pavane and Sonnet Digital Hermes ... 3 ... ‘Silver Bullets’ are put to the Test :

'Callisto USB' ... The Final Touch

'Callisto USB' ... The Final Touch

"I recently discovered this Cable. It’s an amazing Cable and I may be purchasing another one".

M2Tech Young MKIV

M2Tech Young MKIV

Micro-Man Marco Manunta - has managed to squeeze even more into the new MK IV Young Dac/Pre/Headphone AMP :

MQA and 768kHz PCM + 512 DSD. Headphone output 6.35mm Jack driven by a high quality dedicated Class AB Amplifier from Texas Instruments.

Single-Ended and Balanced outputs are now available without the need for an Adapter.

Each output (SE, Balanced and Headphones) - has its own independent volume control.


Sonnet Kratos

Sonnet Kratos

Taking shape on the test bench - Kratos matches Morpheus for a complete Dac/Pre/Amplifier Chain.

Alpha Audio launches Hifi Sample Database

Alpha Audio launches Hifi Sample Database

A-A continue to lead the way. Not only do you get to listen to their lossless Music Test Tracks … they have now prepared a component Database to go with them. No need to visit a Dealer … you can listen from the comfort of your armchair ... in your own listening room ... with your own System :

A good pair of Headphones (and Audio chain of course) are recommended for ‘Critical’ Musical insight :

M8Audio 'Tiny Maxwell' Speakers

M8Audio 'Tiny Maxwell' Speakers

The Sweet Maxwells made a splash at the Intl HiFi Shows 2018/19 - with a System Room Award. Stereonet Reviewer Peter Familari takes their Baby Siblings for a spin ... and is not disappointed.

Here in NZ customer comments sum up their performance :

"First impressions are: they are just beautifully crafted and they sound impressive given their size. Great transparency and detail. I am afraid, however, that I cannot send them back to you after I watched a Cure live concert DVD and felt as if I was there."

Sonnet Digital Hermes - First Impressions

Sonnet Digital Hermes - First Impressions

Leading Audio presenters Alpha-Audio introduce Hermes Server. It's a case of Cees Ruijtenberg v Cees Ruijtenberg ... in a comparison with Metrum's Ambre. Sonically the same ? We await their forthcoming Review - once Hermes has settled in and set-up to achieve best results.

M2Tech (Award) Nash Phono-Preamplifier

M2Tech (Award) Nash Phono-Preamplifier

The Brand is aptly named. Fidelta del Suono 'Tech' Award in Review :

Your End-Game Cartridge/Turntable/Amplifier Partner.

Alpha-Audio Present some Musical comparisons.

Alpha-Audio Present some Musical comparisons.

Listen in to A-A's test tracks ... where Metrum's L2 Pavane is compared to Sonnet Digital's Morpheous. Two NOS Dacs designed by Cees Ruijtenberg - one a litlle older but still remains A-A's Reference Dac.

If nothing else an ideal way to listen to Non-Over-Sampling Sound ... well dependent on your own Dac of course !

Another in A-A's class-leading Video presentations available to Audio enthusiasts.

Verified : Listen in the Dark

Verified : Listen in the Dark

And no cost involved – in fact the opposite ! Laughed at by non-enthusiasts (at my place) for years ... there is merit according to What HiFi :

"Don't believe us ? Well, let's bring in chief scientist for Dolby Laboratories, Dr. Poppy Crum, who told the BBC in 2008: "It’s hugely impactful. There are some subtleties you can only hear when you take away another sense. The trouble is our brains are just too good and so with sight and our other faculties in play, we’re not hearing a pure sound but [instead] what our brains think we should be hearing after subconsciously making sense of everything else around us."

Logical really ... block out non essential senses.

Rock-Star 'Mitchell'

Rock-Star 'Mitchell'

The Mitchell is a 3-way Stereo or 6-way Mono Electronic Crossover which does it all in Analog domain. No A-to-D or D-to-A conversions are performed. This is overly important when an all-Analog HiFi System goes Multi-Amplified.

More 'Information' :

Going Extinct ?

Going Extinct ?

Michael Lavorgna (see below) explores PC Audio progress ... and the inherent problems encountered.

Is USB going the way of the Dodo ?

Or in our case the extinct Giant Moa (Pic).

Audiostream ... now Deleted

Audiostream ... now Deleted

Unfortunately if clicking on any Reviews from Michael Lavorgna re Metrum Acoustics or Final Touch Audio products ... you will be redirected to Stereophile ... and Reviews no longer accessible.

Digital Progress ... Does not Stop

Digital Progress ... Does not Stop

The 1st Prototype Sonnet Digital Interface Board - designed to become next year’s Flagship … elevating the already ground-breaking Morpheous NOS Dac/Pre … for Performance v Price.

Hecate maybe … Goddess of Magic ?

Alpha-Audio Video : HiRes

Alpha-Audio Video : HiRes

"We talk – extensively – with Brendon Heinst from Trptk studios in Utrecht, Netherlands. He explains to us – you – in detail, what High-res Audio is and why 32 bit floating point DXD can be useful".

Back in Black

Back in Black

Metrum Acoustics is now online ...

The 'Sweet-Spot'

The 'Sweet-Spot'

From Russia a Room Acoustics (Акустика помещений) guide.

Our example shown in Pic for main Room (big rig) listening. It's very close to the one third, one third rule - where effectively you and Speakers occupy the middle of the Room.

Calculate yours here :

CD's ... NOT that Crazy

CD's ... NOT that Crazy

Could not agree more with Alpha Audio :

"On the Editorial staff at Alpha Audio, we’re all starting to realize that CD actually fits in very well with our Audio hobby. We even believe that CDs are going to be the new trend in Audioland. Our budget of 240 Euros is far from exhausted. We’ve already scored a lot of music. Searching for music feels like a treasure hunt. Especially if we come across that title that we still miss in the collection. We will be happy to continue searching and should we meet you on the way, please hook on ! Good music should be listened to ... together".

M2Tech Rock-Star 'Mitchell'

M2Tech Rock-Star 'Mitchell'

Prototype Mitchell Electronic Cross-Over (replacing Analog Cross-Over) - sitting atop Young MKIII. Enthusiast System from Sardinia - encompassing multi-amplification driven Speakers. Crosby Amps lurking below ... along with others ... and a behemoth Stax.

Results = order placed !

Mitchell will be for dedicated enthusiasts only.

NZ$9K ... AU$7895

Acelec Model One Monitors in the Mono & Stereo Pipeline

Acelec Model One Monitors in the Mono & Stereo Pipeline

M2Tech : "Music Has Changed"

M2Tech : "Music Has Changed"

Seems it has ... since the likes of David 'Crosby', Graham 'Nash', Bob 'Marley', Janis 'Joplin' & 'Van der Graaf' Generator plus forthcoming Joni 'Mitchell'. Following Video offers some insight :

"Why is Music so Bad"

Ethernet Cable Shoot-Out 2020

Ethernet Cable Shoot-Out 2020

Some well-respected Brands here ... how do FTA Cables fare ?

Ethernet & USB Digital Cabling

Ethernet & USB Digital Cabling

FTA Cables arriving soon. They are the choice of LampizatOr North America. AuNZ Lampi owners might care to check them out. USB & Ethernet Reviews so far for example … indicate they are something special. Do Ethernet Cables matter … scroll down ...

CD – All-you-Need : Ether-Stream Cables & Switches

Re .. Music ... Are DiDiT High-End really H-E ?

Re .. Music ... Are DiDiT High-End really H-E ?

Italian ReMusic Audio Webzine's Review of the forthcoming DAC212SEII & Hyper-AMP212. The original DAC212 still remains in their Reference line-up. What progress since ?

2nd opinion of the new Class A/D Stereo Power Amplifier.

A taste :

"The DiDiT couple is in synthesis - Too Much in many ways - Too Many, in fact ;

Too small, too well sounded, too inexpensive to be considered "truly" Hi-End.

Especially if you can read the irony".

Translation does its best ...

Metrum Acoustics Reborn

Metrum Acoustics Reborn

Arising from troubled times M has returned to the original owners and under new management. Reorganising and development is underway. Products will soon be available - so enquiry welcome.

High-End Audio - in High Demand (see above)

High-End Audio - in High Demand (see above)

July 2020
Enjoy the Review Magazine

It Was The Best Of Times, It Was The Worst Of Times

High-End Audio sales skyrocket during COVID-19.
Editorial By Steven R. Rochlin

Giant V Lilliputian

Giant V Lilliputian

1st July : Can the little Hyper-Amp212 (DAC212SEII on right) really derail Monster Power Amps from the past ?

“Something very special is coming... Thank you guys @ DiDiT for your smart & hard work over so many years ! It was an honor to have these final pre-production models hooked up in this system with the Wilson Audio Yvettes”.

Looks … and ‘Sounds’ like it !

The Final Touch ... from Serbia

The Final Touch ... from Serbia

Sophisticated Audio Systems require sophisticated connections. One opinion suggests you can achieve ... 'A Kind of Magic'. Joining our ranks soon ... the Moons of Jupiter :

Metis LAN
Callisto USB
Ganymede I/C's
Themisto AES/EBU

CD – All-you-Need : Ether-Stream Cables & Switches

CD – All-you-Need : Ether-Stream Cables & Switches

“So far the streamed sound in my System has never quite matched real time ‘High End’ CD replay but with the latest network optimisation … The superior drive, rawness, dynamics and rhythm of this earliest transfer to CD is clear and beats the later ‘Hi Res’ and otherwise Remastered versions" …

Next issue HiFiCritic :

DiDiT High-End launched in the UK

DiDiT High-End launched in the UK

Just announced : Forthcoming DAC212SEII + Hyper-AMP212 = SYSTEM 212

New models arriving soon 'Down Under' for Dealer & Enthusiast evaluation.

Sonnet Digital Double Act

Sonnet Digital Double Act

Hardly any room left on the Test Bench : Mono-Blocs, Active Speaker Power Modules, Sub-Woofer Power ... and now Flagship double-up Dac Modules. One Channel multi-Dac board ... apparently sounding good.

Nothing but the Bass

Nothing but the Bass

Audio progress from Cees Ruijtenberg : Partnering Sonnet Morpheus we will soon have Hermes Server. The future holds for a complete CR System. We need a Power Amp stage and of course Speakers. Acelec’s Model One cover Passive design combined with Kratos Mono-Blocs … BUT Active design Model Two (on the drawing board) has seen a surprise. Amplification encountered an unforeseen development. Rather than off-the-shelf nCore power … why not DIY ... in true Dutch fashion & gain Sound improvement ?

Bombs Away for a Sub-Woofer that will provide full ‘Octave’ frequency response – to augment Monitor reproduction.

Historical 'Note' : Hastings (where we are based) was originally named Hicksville !

ZMF Headphones

ZMF Headphones

It's always a good omen if a Manufacturer endorses a Brand by including a component in their own Audio chain ... and use for their own Product Demonstration/promotion.


Morpheus unashamedly 'Upper Class'

Morpheus unashamedly 'Upper Class'

"For what it represents Sonnet Digital Audio Morpheus deserves to receive a rare but well-deserved recognition in the form of a 2020 Mono & Stereo ‘Upper Echelon' Product Award”.

'Lite' Up Your Speakers

'Lite' Up Your Speakers

German Audio Mag Lite ... Reviews the Rockstar's 'Supergroup' System from M2Tech.

'Winning System Combinations'

'Winning System Combinations'

6 Moons begin a new series featuring components that have gained their approval ... and put together as an Audio Chain that works.

System No.1 features Cees Ruijtenberg's Acelec Model One Monitor Speakers. It goes without saying that Amplifier of choice to accompany the Model One's ... would be the Amplifier used in their development.

Forte 'Triode Emulator'.

M2Tech Stacks Up

M2Tech Stacks Up

Fedeltà del Suono recensisce un'intera catena di prodotti M2Tech.

Complete M2Tech System Reviewed by 'Sound Fidelity' :

Young MkIII DAC - Pre AmplifiIer, Nash Phono Pre Amplifier, Van Der Graaf MkII Power Supply and two Crosby Mono Power Amplifiers.

The conclusions are enthusiastic !

Summary on M2Tech Page - Reviews

Headfi Alert

Headfi Alert

M2Tech Rock-Star Young MKIII joins Audiophile Heaven's 'Hall of Fame'.

A comprehensive report follows :

Manunta (M2Tech) Marley MKII Review

Manunta (M2Tech) Marley MKII Review

Fresh from Germany - Refer Product page for translation..

"Its features, starting with the adjustable output resistance, through the balance setting, to the sound adjustment using the equalizer make the Marley the ideal partner for all conceivable Headphones. But even without sound-influencing measures, the Marley plays rousing music - in love with detail, so that the adjustment options are only the crowning glory.

USA Dealer Review : Morpheus NOS DAC

USA Dealer Review : Morpheus NOS DAC

It's not often a Dealer posts a Review. They can be accused of bias of course (vested interest) but it's quite common for enthusiasts to ask for opinions/advice and value for money.

Could Morpheus become part of 'Your Final System' ?

The written Report ... Video presentation below

The written Report ... Video presentation below

Alpha-Audio follow up with their written Sonnet Digital Audio Morpheus Review.

Sonnet Morpheus Video

Sonnet Morpheus Video

Alpha-Audio's new English speaking Website and Video channel are long awaited. Here Jaap Veenstra introduces Morpheus and gives us his listening impressions - comparing to Cees' (for those familiar) other creations ... some of which are already in use at Alpha-Audio.

Sonnet Digital Morpheus DAC/PRE

Sonnet Digital Morpheus DAC/PRE

Rene van Es makes a few comparisons with Pavane L2/Adagio - Morpheus and suggests (maybe) an alternative at Seven times the Price.

Review here :

For English translation use Chrome - paste :

A Recommendation from and for ...

A Recommendation from and for ...

M2Tech Young MKIII & Van der Graaf MKII PSU

The M2Tech Story

The M2Tech Story

In their 25th Anniversary year Enjoythemusic interview some High-End Audio Manufacturers for their Audio stories. Here Marco Manunta relates his.

And below some praise for his recent products.

Rock 'Star' Performance

Rock 'Star' Performance

The M2Tech Joplin MKIII gets a workout at Richard Varey's place.

Mark 1 - An Excellent Phono Stage

Mark 11 - It connects your Analogue gear to your Digital System

Mark 111 - Digitise your Vinyl up to 384 kHz 32-bit high resolution files via USB !

Rising to the Occassion

Rising to the Occassion

'Uncle Bob' MKII makes an impression ... adding to the most enthusiastic Review from Italy. Across the Globe Malaysian Review site 'Earmass' - adds to Marley MKII's achievements with Top-Tier Headphones. Senn's perennial HD800's & Hifiman HE1000SE both come in for high praise (Balanced & Unbalanced).

"Heavenly Good"

“How Black is your background ?”

“How Black is your background ?”

'Sound' advice buying a Dac.

Buying an Amp : "Amplification is the beating heart of any sound system. It sets the tone. Choosing a DAC to complement an Amplifier is the only path that makes sense".

A Tale of 2 Speakers

A Tale of 2 Speakers

Matching Amps to Speakers is ...'Critical'.

Michael Lavorgna reports on a Sonnet Digital Audio - Stack :

Award of Excellence - M2Tech hiFace 2010

Award of Excellence - M2Tech hiFace 2010

Two decades ago, interest in exploring PC Audio started to gain momentum. 2010 marks the day the PC Sound Card died and the 10th Birthday for M2Tech’s ground-breaking, Award winning High Resolution USB to S/PDIF Converter … at a most affordable price. As John Darko commented elsewhere – superior to models with on board USB interface … “hiFace will unmask the direct USB as relatively lifeless and anaemic”.

MIA - Surface Noise ?

MIA - Surface Noise ?

Is the answer to making CD (lossless Audio) sound ‘identical’ to Vinyl simple ? From 1989 - Recording Engineer Bob Ludwig might upset Vinyl lovers at that time (even now) with some of his comments.

On the other hand CD lovers might shudder at the ‘apparent’ solution.

System 212 ... What the Heck ?

System 212 ... What the Heck ?

DiDiT High-End's new Streaming - 32Bit ESS ES9038 Pro Sabre DAC-Class A Preamp-Headphone Amp + Class A/D Stereo Power Amplifier. A compact 2 Box System crammed with their own design electronics.

Different in Design : Different in Technology

Available to order ... now.

Affordable ?

A Decade of Digital Progress

A worthy contender (2009) might start at the top when a US$47K 3 box dCS Scarlatti D/A setup rode the Digital crest. On this both Stereophile and HiFiCritic seemed to agree. Critic rated using their SQRatings at 200 ($80K 4 box with Transport). Battering down the door in 2012 came Metrum’s Hex at 195 and less than 10% the price.

Has there been progress since 2012 ? Well it would be hard to argue otherwise - from several Brands … with the price floor dropping for top contenders … around US$5K or less today. You can pay exhorbitantly more of course if you prefer. In Critics £100K Reference System (if you own similar) you may well discern some improvement.

Then again maybe not ?

In the Absolute Sound’s 2018 review of DiDiT’s DAC212SE, perhaps a US$19,500 Berkeley Alpha Reference or $35,000 dCS Vivaldi might do the trick … and maybe not. Which brings us to 2020.

The new decade begins with DiDiT’s latest design – the DAC212SEII in production Jan/Feb. Another jump in the performance stakes. The 212SE model matches Metrum’s mighty Adagio in our opinion … and to offer a Cees Ruijtenberg 2020 NOS alternative to the Sabre design ... the new Sonnet Digital Morpheous matches Adagio in performance … at half the price.

Critical Digital Price Progress in a nutshell.

The Truth About High Resolution Audio

The Truth About High Resolution Audio

Julian Ashbourn (HiFi+) decidedly hits the HiRes nail on the head. Some Dacs now offer 32Bit/768kHz but where on earth is the Music ? As we report in … Digital ‘Little Bit’ of History – Norio Ohga was a key man in Sony’s CD development :

“Even if we have the hardware, it's useless without the software”.

True today as it was nearly 40 years ago.

Recording equipment Quality → Mastering process → Replay Quality.

CD R.I.P. - NOT !

CD R.I.P. - NOT !

Information ... apparently you are not supposed to know. 2020 kicks off with the BPI report for Music 2019. No surprise that Streaming ... is steaming ... full speed ahead. But ... as we have mentioned previously on Industry reports - some things are misleading.

UK CD sales outstrip Vinyl ... by some margin - still.

Darko Audio do the maths and report (fully) for you.

Get the best of both worlds ... with something that does both (Rip instead).

Expanding Musical Horizons 2020

Expanding Musical Horizons 2020

A new decade dawns and with it new Audio additions to Expand your Musical Experience.

We are now taking orders for Sonnet Digital's Morpheus NOS DAC. To be joined in the near future by Hermes Music Server. Both Performance & Price Pleasers.

DiDiT High-End are in production mode for the forthcoming DAC212SEII & AMP212. HiFi+ Review already points the way ... with another in the pipeline. Not called High-End for nothing ... these 2 relatively Tiny components ... could be said to be Giants in terms of - Sound Quality and Value for Money.

Enquiry welcome for all.

And yes more to come ... announcements in due course.

Time Warp ... "It's just a jump to the left"

Time Warp ... "It's just a jump to the left"

Riff Raff Bronze statue in Hamilton NZ.

In fact ... 'it's a Jump(er) to the Right'.

Coming attraction in 2020 - we'll get a couple of (independent) opinions that boost Morpheous NOS DAC power output by swapping a Jumper. Will it make any difference ?

Who knows - no one has reported on this aspect before with previous models.

M2Tech Marley MKII

M2Tech Marley MKII

Ecstatic (joyful excitement) from Estatica HiFi :

1st Review and an enthusiastic one at that. On Test showing a promising Frequency Response analysis - from the 3 Impedance choices available. Power to burn it seems.

Googly Translation - just scroll till you see it :

M2Tech Rock Star Young MKIII 'Great Value HiFi' achievement ... and hits ...

M2Tech Rock Star Young MKIII 'Great Value HiFi' achievement ... and hits ...

The 13th Note - in this Simon Price Video. How does the Young stack up compared to NZ$2600 Chord Qutest, £1600 Mytek Brooklyn or Cyrus TOLT £3000 XPC Signature. Find out here :

NZ$2,675 ... AU Enthusiasts NZ$2,375 delivered.

Sonnet Morpheus Sellout

Sonnet Morpheus Sellout

No chance to enhance your Xmas listening experience now. New stock arrival 10 weeks away. Morpheus has exceeded demand expectations.

M2Tech 'Rockstar' Joplin MKIII

M2Tech 'Rockstar' Joplin MKIII

Digitise and Archive your Vinyl collection for prosperity. This Video explains how it works ... and what else it can do. Follow up Video to come - testing 2 Dual Turntables.

A 'Picture' is worth a thousand words.

A 'Picture' is worth a thousand words.

6 Moons Morpheus conclusion.

Getting to the 'Nitty Gritty'

Getting to the 'Nitty Gritty'

Morpheus Review from 6 Moons Part 4 - enter the Music.

Time is running out if you'd like one for Xmas.

2019 Melbourne Audio Club & HiFi Show Reports

2019 Melbourne Audio Club & HiFi Show Reports

DiDiT DAC212SEII + HYPER-AMP212, M8Audio Sweet Maxwell Speaker System. Remember ... with demonstrations it's the System you are listening to.

How did the System perform ?

Melbourne Audio Club report :

"Thanks guys for a most enjoyable and revealing GM / HiFi Show experience".

Morpheus (God of Dreams) NOS DAC

Morpheus (God of Dreams) NOS DAC

Digital Progress continues :

Cees Ruijtenberg is making 'dreams' come true.

Adagio/Pavane L3 DAC performance at a dream price ... essentially Variable Voltage Gain Volume control ... comes free.

It all ties in with Roger Skoff's ideal Audio 'SOTA' componentry.

See below.

‘State of the Art’ in HiFi

‘State of the Art’ in HiFi

Don't need it but want to get close ... these comments from Enjoythemusic are appropriate here :

“For my System, I want real engineering, using genuine top-quality materials and components and not just some jeweller's or marketer's fantasy. I neither need nor want anything other than great sound in a good-looking package at a fair price.

Keep your infinitely complex, soaring architectural visions. I don't need them to decorate my equipment stands; I'd rather build them myself, behind my closed eyelids, when I put on a disc, lean back and ... Enjoy the music !”

Roger Skoff

Speaker Arsenal Expanding

Speaker Arsenal Expanding

Srajan Ebaen suffers 'withdrawal symptoms' after his Review of Acelec's Monitor Ones ... and purchases a pair - adding to his comprehensive Speaker line-up. In his 6 Moons Review of Linear Tube Audio's Z10 Amplifier ... he 'notes' even 10wpc is sufficient to drive them in a 6 x 4m Room. Imagine what the 50wpc Forte Class A/B 'Triode Emulator' could do ... or even the forthcoming 100wpc Class A/D Power Amp from DiDiT.

Beyond your budget ... then look no further than M2Tech - check out the Video mentioned below for an assessment.

M2Tech Crosby + Young Video Assessment

M2Tech Crosby + Young Video Assessment

Eden Audio provide some youtube visuals.

A 'Sound' System

A 'Sound' System

Once again we wowed the visitors to Room 1308 at the Melbourne HiFi Show. Room acoustics and (for some poor set-ups) plus Hotel power drains let some rooms down (according to visitors). We took Room/System precautions :

Extrema Designs Audio Rack, New GIGAWATT PrimePower Power Filter (debut), Akiko Audio 音 Tuning Sticks, ViaBlue & VooDoo Cables, Pre-production DiDiT High-End DAC212SEII & HYPER-AMP212 Class A/D Power Amp.

Room treatments from Sonitus Acoustics.

We extend our thanks to Boris from Absolute Hiend Audio & John from Sound Gallery + Kevin from Class A Audio for loan of Power conditioning/Cables and Audio Rack.

Melbourne Audio Club Meet October 2019

Melbourne Audio Club Meet October 2019

Once again we presented our wares to the MAC. An entertaining evening (as usual), where we were able to fill their enormous venue with quality sound - from a pair of modestly priced M8Audio Standmount Speakers ... and conservatively (100wpc) powered DiDiT HYPER-AMP212.

They maybe small ... but pack a punch.

It's all ... 'Go-For-the-Show' ... Room 1308

It's all ... 'Go-For-the-Show' ... Room 1308

We will be 'off-air' from 14 -24th October. Enquiries welcome till then ....

Or see you at the Show ... complete new set-up this year with some exciting new gear on demonstration.

“Country Bumpkins” … mix it with the Best !

“Country Bumpkins” … mix it with the Best !

New Music Speaker Country : Part three of 6 Moons take on Model One - affirming they are definitely Monitors - particularly emphasising what goes on within higher frequencies via Air Motion Transfer. Speed, dynamics and tonality.

Only the top half of the story ... mixing it with v v expensive ... alternative takes.

Silver Ones

Silver Ones

Report on Model One progress ... meanwhile a colour choice. 18mm Mundorf Air Motion Transfer Tweeter – ScanSpeak sliced cone Mid/Bass driver offering a frequency range of 45Hz to 35kHz … with up to 110dB SPL.

Another David V Goliath Story

Another David V Goliath Story

X-Fi Show 2019 : Massive Zanden (€19,900) Power Amp driving Kroma Speakers. Dwarfed in size HYPER-AMP212 can barely be seen. Tube V Class A/D Amplification had people thinking it was the Zanden driving the bus ... 'LITTLE' DID THEY KNOW !

New Model One Review from Alpha-Audio

New Model One Review from Alpha-Audio

Ist Review of Acelec & Cees Ruijtenberg's Studio & Home Monitor Speakers. Refer product pages for Information and Translation. Jaap Veenstra sets up two Systems to put them through their paces. All the Pics here :

DiDiT at X-Fi 2019

DiDiT at X-Fi 2019

On demonstration the new model DAC212SEII - Hyper-AMP212 driving Kroma Mimi's.

M2Tech - Best of 2019

M2Tech - Best of 2019

Enjoythemusic praise the Nash Phono Stage & Van der Graaf MKII Powers Supply

Sonnet Audio NOS DAC

Sonnet Audio NOS DAC

Development is underway and Digital progress continues. Adding to our new Range and line-up of products ... SDA-2. More to come ...

Bob's your Uncle

Bob's your Uncle

The new 'Marley MkII' Headphone Amp from M2Tech :

Now with Remote control - look out for Reviews - there has been progress

'Young, Gifted and Black (& er ... Silver)'

'Young, Gifted and Black (& er ... Silver)'

Simon Price finds this Rockstar punching above its weight.

Young MkIII Bluetooth DAC and Preamplifier Review

For a Video :

Graham Nash & Van der Graaf Generator ... not

Graham Nash & Van der Graaf Generator ... not

Rockstar & Inventor combine for M2Tech Vinyl Lovers :

The latest Review from Tom Lyle

DiDiT System 212 Hong Kong 2019 Show Demo

DiDiT System 212 Hong Kong 2019 Show Demo

DiDiT DAC212SEII + HYPER-AMP212 & Franco Serblin Speakers ... Yter Cabling of course ... recommended Cables and in use here as well. Ask your local Dealer for a DiDiT demo if intrigued by Reviews so far ... more to come.

New Directions

New Directions

What’s in the pipeline from Cees Ruijtenberg ? Well, for aficionados interested in maximum performance at the end of the Audio chain … some carefully thought out Monitor Speakers for Home and Professional use. Speaker size/placement is always a problem - particularly in small to mid-sized rooms. The story here :

Hong Kong HiFi Show 2019

Hong Kong HiFi Show 2019

Experience the DiDiT SYSTEM212 in room 226 with this 1st public introduction to the world of HiFi ... 9th to 11th August. DAC212SEII & HYPER-AMP212 performing.

"The music is mighty, mighty fine"

"The music is mighty, mighty fine"

Jason Kennedy takes the new DAC212SEII & Hyper-AMP212 for a Dance ... "and cant get enough". Available later this year and for Audition at this year's Melbourne Intl HiFi Show.

Forthcoming DiDiT Hyper-AMP212 at Munich High End 2019

Forthcoming DiDiT Hyper-AMP212 at Munich High End 2019

DAVID (Hyper AMP212) …v … GOLIATHS (Thrax Monos)

Can a Didly-Squat AMP … plonked on the floor … possibly compare to Amps costing almost 10 times more ?

Well at Munich High End 2019 … apparently YES !

Coming Audio Attractions

Coming Audio Attractions

Critical Sound will soon be Representing M2Tech Audio Products 'Down Under'.

The Rockstars series have already found favour and as Reviewer Richard Varey reported (Review link below) ... "Japanese Distributor Top Wing Corporation, who are also a High-End MC Cartridge manufacturer, has decided to use the Nash (Phono stage Preamplifier - Equaliser) to test and demonstrate their pickups in place of a very expensive Professional unit".

DAC212SE 'Diagnosis' - by Witchdoctor NZ

DAC212SE 'Diagnosis' - by Witchdoctor NZ

"Dr. RIichard Varey is sonically transported to audio nirvana by a Dac-Preamp with a raft of clever technologies.

The DAC212 distinguished itself in my system right away.

So, did I like the DAC212SE in my listening system ? That’s a resounding and emphatic yes".

Refer Product Page for details.

Melbourne International HiFi Show 2019

Melbourne International HiFi Show 2019

Planning now in progress. Can we top last year's 'Room 1201 Award' ?

M8Audio Speakers will drive a bigger Room this time - pencil in Room 1308 for a visit or re-visit.

New products and more Critical Sound Information to come - elevating last year's performance.

DiDiT Again

DiDiT Again

A second Review from Germany ... again courtesy of Mr. Google. It struggles a bit in translation - so read between the lines on the DAC212SE Reviews Page.



The latest Review from Germany is now available courtesy of Mr. Google Translate. A bit of poetic licence necessary here and there !

Refer DiDiT High-End Review Page to hear the 'Birds singing'.

Stereonet Award - Melbourne International HiFi Show 2018

Stereonet Award - Melbourne International HiFi Show 2018

Room 1201 rocked - at least according to the many visitors we enjoyed talking to. As a complete Reference Music System ... M8Audio & Critical Sound offer the DiDiT High-End DAC212SE, HYPER-AMP212 & M8Audio's 'Sweet Maxwell' Speakers with VIABLUE Cabling.

Stereonet were obviously pleased with our demonstration ... as were SoundStage Australia.

Reviews in due course.

DiDiT Hyper-Amp212 Premiers Down Under

DiDiT Hyper-Amp212 Premiers Down Under

So new it’s not even in production yet. As with all DiDiT products - it has been years in development.

Pre-production model has just been demonstrated at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest (5 - 7 October) and the Melbourne Show is next.

A 300wpc Amplifier with an impressive 129dB Dynamic Range and Class leading noise floor.

And its size and appearance (like the DAC212SE) will amaze you !

DiDiT DAC212SE Premiers Down Under

DiDiT DAC212SE Premiers Down Under

The latest design updating DAC212 to Signature Class with Balanced connections. Native resolution DSD capable Dac/ Pre-Amp/ Headphone Amp.

‘The Absolute Sound’ 2018 reported :

“So configured, I find the DiDit 212SE to be enormously compelling musically, so much so, that it is currently my favourite DAC/Pre”.

Albedo Audio Transmission Line Speakers

Albedo Audio Transmission Line Speakers

The concept is accredited to Acoustic Engineer Benjamin Olney in the early 1930's and involves innovation within acoustic enclosure design - originally termed an 'acoustical labyrinth'.

"A transmission line is used in loudspeaker design to reduce time, phase, and resonance related distortions and in many designs to gain exceptional bass extension". Wiki

Albedo Audio embrace this design concept and add Italian style and flair to its execution.

Now available to NZ Audio enthusiasts.

David & Goliaths at RMAF 2018

David & Goliaths at RMAF 2018

Part-time Audiophile post November 12, 2018 by Eric Franklin Shook : “I hate to say this, but large and in charge was written in my show reporting notes. Finesse and nimbleness were trademarks of the sound impression I went home with”.

“Troy Audio had two Systems : The first was made up of Triode Corporation Tube electronics, a Preamplifier and Power Amplifier using 300B tubes at just 8 watts. The Digital source was an Esoteric CD Transport, while the DAC was the small giant DAC212SE from DiDIT High End. All cables were Synergistic Research. Analog was handled by an impressive Turntable from Thrax Audio with Phono-Preamplifier of the same brand. The new Achilles ($40,000 USD) loudspeakers of Troy Audio was however the star of the Show”.

High-End indeed … but the DiDiT High-End ‘bit’ is so small you can hardly see it.

From Taiwan ... a DMP A-6 Report

From Taiwan ... a DMP A-6 Report

"The Only Choice in its Class" :

Simply put, the overall frequency band of DMP-A6 is balanced & flat, with healthy performance like a model student. The DMP-A6 has surpassed the standard in all aspects. It is almost invincible among the models in its class & even has the ability to challenge upwards.