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Adagio Digital Volume controlled Transient NOS DAC

Product Information

Adagio Silver



DAC TWO or DAC THREE ... that is the question :

Below is the latest Video Review comparing DAC Modules.

A word of caution - it seems Adagio was only switched on for 48 hours ? This is not enough time to allow for complete run-in/assessment.


Pursuit Perfect System Essential Audition Awards


Following in the musically themed footsteps of the Transient range .... Adagio reaches new levels of performance, in a unique approach to High End Audio. Competing with Analogue Preamp alternatives at twice the price .... Class leading Dac comes FREE !

“We are aware that our current flagship Pavane is hard to beat but one further idea has not yet been implemented ... until now.

That is - having a decent volume control to remove the need for a Pre-amplifier in the audio chain … to improve performance dramatically. However, we also know that introducing such a device in the signal-chain, can also have a negative effect.

Experiments were made and listening results showed, the best sound came directly from our Transient™ modules. Even this digital approach did not convince us entirely but one more idea was yet untried.

In the case of R2R ladder Dacs especially, it is quite easy to change the output voltage of the Dac by changing its reference voltage. But to realize this, dedicated Dac boards had to be designed to get the best regulation possible.

Like our Pavane, “Forward Correction” techniques are used to drive both mono Dac boards".

Cees Ruijtenberg


By adjusting the reference voltage to get higher or lower output means the output impedance remains the same, regardless of the volume position. So nothing stands between the Dacs and the power Amp at all.

By removing the Preamp (and cabling obviously), sound quality is not only improved but low level details are retrieved even further.

Shortest signal pathways possible … are generally regarded as a key objective to better sound.

Fact not fiction ... or marketing Voodoo.

Refer the Reviews below for independent viewpoint.  


General :

Adagio takes performance beyond Pavane and conveniently performs further Digital processing - by adding Digital Volume Control. Signal information can then be passed directly to a Power Amp or (uniquely) Power Amplifiers. As mentioned above, volume is controlled by changing the reference voltage of the Dacs and increases max reference level by a factor of 3.

Adagio is Metrum’s first NOS Digital Preamplifier, incorporating 4 DAC TWO modules per channel. Each of the new modules house 2 condensed DAC ONE + Forward Correction modules (as used in Pavane and Menuet). Removing the separate Forward Correction module allows the space created within the Digital input board, to be used for future options. The new DAC TWO modules are the same size as DAC ONE - about the size of a credit card. DAC TWO doubles the R2R ladders, which means that the Adagio is running 16 ladder Dacs in comparison to the 8 used in Pavane.

The Adagio also doubles voltages to those used in Pavane, 30VA Transformers being used for each channel. The combined result of these improvements typically shows a reduced noise floor of -160dB. Pavane’s already impressive noise floor at -145dB has now been improved, providing better low level information retrieval.


The new module configuration will also enable both singular Analogue outputs and for the first time, optional twin Analogue outputs. Adagio has been designed in this way to augment an enhanced Metrum Audio chain. By removing the need for a Preamp and accompanying I/C, a shorter and more direct signal path is obtained straight from D/A conversion, via Single Ended or Balanced connections to …. Metrum's 'Forte'.

Keeping signal information completely separate for each channel, direct from the Dac boards to separate Amplification stages = maximum performance.

Note :

Adagio can also be used as a straightforward Dac for connection to an Analogue Preamp i.e. with standard output of 2V. Just set the Volume (clock) control to 12 : 15.

Attenuation :

For matching Adagio to different Amplifiers, there is a new switch for each channel on the back panel. This lowers the output by -10dB ; about 700mV RMS. This feature may improve sound quality with some Amplifiers. In fact users report that this switch should be tried with any Amplifier - it may offer better quality sound but will require more volume.

It is worth experimenting – a Naim 552DR/500DR combination are reported to be one example where this works rather well. With Forte too - and it may also pay to disconnect RCA cabling if not in Bi-Amp use. XLR connection to Forte is recommended and as with all Metrum's Dacs ... Silver cabling may bring rewards in your system.

Price : $10,995 DAC TWO Modules

       $13,500 DAC THREE Upgrade

Prices include either USB or I2S factory fitted.

I2S Module $170

USB Module $205

MQA Module $275

Reviews :


Dr. Varey investigates how Adagio performs in his listening room - with his preferred music and Viganoni Sachém v2 monoblocks + Audio Pro Avanti 100 DC Speakers. A great introduction to the design concept employed in Adagio for those unfamiliar. It's all about 'involvement' and Adagio ... does pass muster.

"Within half an hour of switching it on, I wanted one"


René van Es is 1st to report his findings. Listening in two high quality systems, testing both Adagio as a standalone Dac and its performance as a (Digital) Preamp.

Up against tough competition on the Volume Control front - namely a Pass Labs XP-10 (an XP-20 will set you back $14K) and Audia Flight Strumento No.1 .... a device in itself costing double that of Adagio.

Read his Review for opinions on both.

As a Dac .... it seems 'Transient' DAC TWO modules have raised the bar and as a DAC with Volume Control - the Value for money stakes are now ... stratospheric !

"Digital Progress"


Jaap Veenstra puts Adagio to the test and finds/has things in common with René van Es. Approximate translation follows.

"Damn ... We find words hard to describe the Adagio. Often you can talk about 'body', dynamics, warmth, holographic, or possibly even clean. None of this applies to the Adagio. The Adagio we feel - simply transforms the digital signals to analog".

Adagio perhaps is well suited to this Website .... if musical accuracy is important .... "Critical Sounds !" 


Srajan Ebaen (in his usual style), digs deep into the technicalities in his comprehensive Adagio review.

Reference to the next step in the Audio chain ... highlights the importance of amplification and possible current limitations ...

"Regardless, on pure magnification power as the ability to resolve very minuscule signal, the Adagio would seem to be well ahead of what 2017's amplification can match".

And as for Alpha Audio's + The EAR's assessment of 'clouded sound' from an Analogue Preamp ... Srajan finds :

"Those more keyed into exploring soundstaging, going walkabout in recorded spaces and climbing overtone ladders would favour the fully exploded lighting, transparency and shininess of direct mode. By contrast, the Preamp played it a tad dull or matte. Some might translate that as a skoch of warmth. Whatever you call it, it came at a cost to the spark of liveliness. To tap that energy uncut relied on eliminating the Preamp and its added cabling".

As for his Adagio conclusions ... there is a new King in the Dac index :   Blue Moon Award - State-of-the-Art-Variable-Gain-Dac

"State of the Art Digital"

Metrum Adagio

Professional use :

We like the Adagio DAC because it does not alter the sound coming from the server:

It does not upsample, oversample or filter ... so it lets us hear our own DSP and nothing else.

All my delta sigma converters fail in this domain and I played with many.

Frederic Vanden Poel  KLINKT BETER

As with all Metrum's products, careful set-up and ancillary equipment are important. Alpha Audio make this clear.

Adagio Digital Volume controlled Transient NOS DAC

Product Specifications

  • Working principle : Non Oversampling Dac. Forward Correction technology. 4 DAC TWO modules per channel in Differential mode. Refer Developments Page for further DAC TWO information.

    Power : 75 VA via 3 separate Toroidal transformers.

    Mains voltage : 110/115V AC 220/230V AC 60/50Hz.

    Inputs : 1 x Optical, 2 x Coaxial (1 x BNC and 1 x RCA), AES/EBU and USB.

    Outputs : 2 x RCA Neutrik © cinch connectors, 2 x XLR Balanced output.

    Output voltages : RCA : 3 Volts RMS max. 0dB output setting. XLR : 6 Volts RMS max. 0dB output setting.

    Frequency response : 1Hz - 20 khz -1 dB. 44.1 kHz sampling. 1Hz - 65 kHz -1dB .192 and 384kHz (USB).

    Distortion : 0.006 % THD.

    Noise : -145 dB related to 2 Volt RMS.

    Output impedance : RCA 100 Ohm, XLR 640 Ohm 0dB output setting. RCA 100 Ohm, XLR 320 Ohm -10dB output setting.

    Sampling rate : Optical 44.1 - 96 kHz sampling rate. Coax and AES/EBU : 44.1 -192 kHz.

    Dimensions : 440 x 320 x 85 mm.

    Weight : 10 Kg.

Adagio Digital Volume controlled Transient NOS DAC

Product Reviews

Adagio Digital Volume controlled Transient NOS DAC

Product Options

Optional Inputs include either USB or I2S via Rj45/RJ49 connector. Please note this is by special arrangement and conditions apply - few Sources provide I2S output and it is essential pin compatibility is checked first. Naturally this will not be an issue with forthcoming Ambre Network player.

I2S module

MQA Module is an optional plug-in to main circuit board - either Factory fitted or can be added at a later date :

MQA module