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Product Information

Flint inside

Introducing Flint NOS Dac …

Perfect companion to Baby Ambre Streamer

Flint top panel

Digital $ Progress : In 1989 Martin Colloms (Stereophile) Reviewed a Wadia Digital 1000 Decoding Computer (Dac). It came close to his then ultimate Reference playback System - a Goldmund Reference Turntable (US$27,000 without Arm or Cartridge) System. With 30 years Digital progress ... how would little Flint compare now ?

Predecessor 'Octave' fared very well ... refer Octave Page.

Flint rear panel

Housed in Aluminium casework it is similar in size to Sonos Connect with dimensions 14 x 14 x 5 cm.

Flint Baby Dac

Entry level R2R NOS DAC from Metrum Acoustics … at an exceptionally low price. Even bettering that of the Original Octave ‘Game Changing Dac’. It now sports 2 'Transient' DAC TWO Modules – one per channel. DAC ONE Modules optional (for less).

Flint is a perfect Non-Over-Sampling companion for Sonos, HEOS by Denon, Yamaha Music or Bluesound … and to upgrade CD Players ... to enjoy ultimate ‘Sublime’ Digital to Analogue conversion. Dac progress has been greater than any other field of Audio reproduction. Are CD Players relevant today ? John Darko's online polls surprise him :


Jaap Veenstra from Alpha-Audio takes DAC ONE Flint for a spin :

"In this class with proper competition from for example Chord, Musical Fidelity, Cambridge, Arcam ... etc, Metrum really sings along with ease. This Flint also has something. Something characteristic that the rest do not have" ... Read more ... in Review translation.

"More Musical Bang for your Buck"

2021 : What HiFi Review DAC ONE Flint ... DAC TWO elevates performance considerably.

"Entertaining Sound"

Price : DAC TWO $1155 : Option fitted with DAC ONE Modules $895.

DAC TWO option takes advantage of FPGA integration and double the processing power over DAC ONE.


Product Reviews